课时作业本 8年级英语下

出版时间:2010-10  出版社:福建少年儿童出版社  作者:朱海峰 主编  页数:146  字数:264000  


  “不积跬步,无以至千里”,学习是一个日积月累的过程。在日常的课堂教学中,只有及时消化新授课知识,把握每课时的重难点,才能扎扎实实地夯实双基,才能逐步提升学生的综合运用能力和创新能力。而精当的课时练习正是实现这一目标的重要途径。为此,我们精心策划编写了《课时作业本》系列丛书,本书与其他同类书相比,具有以下几个鲜明的特点:  1.全新的课时理念。本书作为课时练习类的配套教辅,我们首先注重了课时设置的全面性,并使课时设置与教学进程保持一致;在课时划分方面,我们立足于教学参考书上的一般要求,同时又结合了教学一线的实际情况,确保课时划分与教学实际相适应;每课时的作业编设则尽量与教材及课堂教学融为一体,力求使每一个作业都是对教材相关内容的完美诠释和对课堂教学的有力补充。  2.精准的作业设计。本书每个课时均设有“课堂作业”、“课后作业”两个栏目,每个栏目均立足于把握新授课的特点,充分考虑学生的认知规律。在题量的设置上尽量与课堂教学及课后巩固的实际情况相适应,使每个栏目的功能落到实处;在题型与难易程度方面则确保与教材呈现的相关内容对应,不随意拔高难度;在编设题目时,则遵循原创与经典相结合的原则,充分体现其新颖性、适用性,力求使每道题目都有其独特的价值,以起到事半功倍的练习效果。  3.完整的体例结构。本书不仅设有全面系统的课时作业,还配有模块自测卷、期中、期末自测卷,并设有期中、期末复习专题,以帮助学生查漏补缺、自我提升。书末附设了较为详尽的参考答案,对较难的题目均予以必要的提示,以便于学生自查自纠,从而实现了平时练习与阶段性测试的有机结合,构成了一个科学完整的学习检测体系。


Module 1 Hobbies  Unit 1 Do you collect anything?  Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.  Unit 3 Language in use  模块自测卷(Module l)Module 2  Friendship Unit 1 Can you tell me where you’re from?   Unit 2 No one knew wh0 1 was Unit 3 Language in use 模块自测卷(Module 2)Module 3  0n the radio Unit 1 Remember to look out for the red light!   Unit 2 I remember sitting close to the radi0 Unit 3 Language in use 模块自测卷(Module 3)Module 4  New technology Unit 1 If you want to record,press the red button Unit 2 If a snake bites you,take a phot0 Unit 3 Language in use 模块自测卷(Module 4)Module 5 Problems Unit 1 If she goes to a different school,1 won’t see my best friend. Unit 2 If you tell him the truth,you’11 prove how honest you are Unit 3 1 anguage in use 模块自测卷(Module 5)Revision module A 期中复习专题(一)词汇 期中复习专题(二)句子 期中复习专题(三)语法期中自测卷Module 6  Entertainment Unit 1 She said China was a very exciting place  Unit 2 He said it was on at the student cinema Unit 3 Language in use 模块自测卷(Module 6)Module 7 Time offModule 8 Public holidaysModule 9 HeroesModule 10 My perfect holidayRevision module B期末自测卷附:参考答案与解析


  Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England, in 194:2. He went to school in St Albans.After leaving school, Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics, thenhe went on studying in Cambridge University. As he himself admits(承认), he didn't workhard. He was a lazy student, and did very little work. However, he still got good marks.  At the age of 20, he first noticed something was wrong with him. His mother was veryworried and took him to see a doctor. He was sent to hospital for tests. He had an incurable(不可治愈的) illness. And the doctor said he would die before he was 23.  At first, he became very sad and disappointed(失望的 ). After coming out of the hospital,he suddenly realized that life was beautiful. Later he married, found a job and had threechildren. He also went on with some of the most important scientific researches.  Today, Hawking still works at Cambridge University as a professor. He stronglybelieves that his story shows that nobody, however bad their situation is, should lose hope."I.ife is not fair, " he once said. "You just have to do the best you can in your own situation. "   ......




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