
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:江西教育出版社  作者:王水发 编  页数:93  




1 Good bouncers.——From Manv Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 选自《小熊维尼历险记》2 Dance for him.—— From Happy Feet 选自《快乐的大脚》3 Thinking Bee.——From Bee Movie 选自《蜜蜂总动员》4 I just want you to be careful.——From Lion KingⅡ 选自《狮子王2》5 You are frightening the food.——From The Princess and the Frog 选自《公主与青蛙》6 We are a team now!——From Snow Buddies 选自《雪狗兄弟》7 Amazing thing.——From How to Train Your Dragon 选自《驯龙高手》8 I'm not an egg any more.——From Valiant 选自《战鸽快飞》9 She thinks the monkey is the Sultan.——From Aladdin 选自《阿拉丁》10 Do Re Mi.——From The Sound of Music 选自《音乐之声》11 Ice Cream Snowball.——From Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 选自《天降美食》12 Don't stress him out-From Alvin and the ChipmunksⅡ 选自《艾尔文和花栗鼠2》13 You did it,Tinker Bell.——From Tinker Bell 选自《小叮当》14 Why am I so different?——From Tarzan 选自《人猿泰山》15 I bet the daddy's eyes sparkle——From Despicable Me 选自《卑鄙的我》



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