
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:黑龙江科学技术出版社  作者:钟子  页数:218  


  《天天读点好英文:奋进·思考卷(英汉对照)》特点:学英语-趣味性更强:内文篇目全部取自国外最经典、流行的读本,中英双语,激发阅读兴趣,更好地提升阅读能力。  学英语-更有章可循:每篇文章后附词汇、句型等语法练习,用最短的时间就能完成知识的复习与巩固,提升语法能力。  学英语-记忆更轻松:《天天读点好英文:奋进·思考卷(英汉对照)》遵循语言学习的自然规律,在每篇之后摘录出佳句,更具感染力,在轻松记忆的同时,更能获得人性的熏陶。  大声诵读吧,品味语言的馨香,感悟人性的光芒,获得高水平的英语能力!




  As a young boy, I grew up with my eight siblingsl in a tin-roofedshack in Summerfield, Louisiana. I didn't see my circumstance as an obstacle, even though we didin't even have a real toilet in the house. Isaw my life more as a card that had been dealt to me and I tried to make the most of it.  I was the youngest of five boys and also had four sisters who hadto pull together and take care of each other. Dad wasn't around, so Inever knew him well. He committed suicide when I was three yearsold, leaving Mom with the job of raising and providing for nine kids.She worked at a sawmill running a foklift for fifty doliars a week andhad another job at a poultry2 plant. She was a very hard worker, and inorder to make ends meet, she hardly ever rested.  My mom believed in doing all she could do to take care of her re-sponsibilities, so no matter what , she never asked for a handout. Youcan imagine: we kids didn't get what we wanted, but we always gotthe things we needed. With my mom as my example, I learned thathard work is the best way to get what you want.  ……


  忘记春日的绿意盎然,忘记夏季的如盖浓荫,当秋风翩然而起,没有什么可以沮丧,每一片落叶都闪耀着你的金色辉煌!  只有成功征服自我的人,才能够掌握真理。只有克服了低劣天性的人,才能够得到幸福。



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