
出版时间:2007-2  出版社:黑龙江科学技术出版社  作者:北京百年建筑文化交流  页数:123  字数:300000  




卷首语 Book Head Language动态 Dynamic评论 Comments 房地产宏观调控须从全球角度理解 Globally Understand National Macro Regulations of the Real Estate Industry 土地增值税效果短期内不明显 Unobvious Effects of Land Value-added Tax in a Short Term 房价不单纯是供求问题 The House Price is Not Just Affected by Supply and Demand 须警惕金融全球化风险 Keep an Eye on Risks Brought by Globalized Finance 信托·银行·外资,地产金融面面观 Trust · Bank · Foreign Fund, All-directional View of Feal Estate Sector 房地产宏观调控不会“软着陆” The Macro Management of Real Estate Sector Would Never Softland “限外”有利于房地产市场健康发展 Limitation of Foreign Funds Will be Helpful to The Sound Development of Domestic Real Estate Industry 土地调控将进一步深入 The Macro Regulation of Land Will be Further Strengthened专题 Special Topic 粮食危机和住房价格 Grain Crisis and Housing Price 形势、制度与公布住房成本 Situation.System and Housing Cost 2006 中国住宅发展研究报告 2006 China's House Development Research Repot 谁主宰2007年的商业地产 Who Will Dominate 2007 Commercial Real Estate Sector 别用宏观调控代替长期政策 Don't Instead Long Term Policies with Macro Management 宏观调控:去岁太“温和”,今年有“狠招” The Macro Management is Too Kind Last Year but Will Give out Effective Measures This Year 新政策下居住区规划与户型设计 The Matching belween Residence and Rouse Under New Policies 中国住房价格的形成机制、宏观影响及改革 Formulation System, Macro Effects, and Reform of China' s Housing Price 2006年北京房地产市场分析 Analysis of 2006 Beijing's Real Estate Market 2007年北京房地产市场预测报告 Forecast Report on 2007 Beijing's Real Estate Market经典 Classic 通州运河城市大景观设计 Design of Landscapes f。r Canal Cities in Tongzhong 量子力学与城市规划 QuantumMechanics and city Planning 广州动漫星城 Guangzhou Cartoon Star city 今日美术馆 Today Art Gallery 北京中国银行国际金融研修院 Beijing China International Financial Research Institute 当代主题酒店设计研究 Research on Design of Modern Hotels 香港康居设计案例研究——公共房屋再开发 Hong Kong Healthy Residence Design Case Research 传统风格的回归——云山诗意·人家 Return of Traditional Stye——Cloud Mountain·Family影响力人物 Influential Figure 勇于创新的地产“红”人 A Superstar Good at Innovation in Real Estate Sector锋线 Frountline 退一步的完美生活 Perfect Life Based on One Step Backward海外 Overseas 温都水城Warm CapitaL Full of Water Sentiments书吧 Book Store 建筑实录年鉴 Architecture Example Annuals发现 Discovery 酒店中的城市文化品位 CiTV Culture Tastes in Hotels 墨西哥儿童房 Children House in Mexico新锐 New Prominent “串门”——农村住宅设计探索 “Drop around”——Exploration on Residential Houses in Countryside 解读名著看方法——从城市意向看景观设计研究方法 Methods are Important to read Masterpiece 北京潭柘镇平原沟景观治理 Father on Landscape in Pingyuangou of Beijing Tanzhe Town趋势 Trend 建筑的外在细节——门窗 Outside Details of Architectures——Window and Door 天普太阳能示范楼 Tianpu Solar Energy Sample Building 效果图革命——数码技术与印刷 Effect Drawing ReV00Ution——Digital Technology and Printin 盟多邂逅锐步运动释放激情 MONDO Reencountering Reebok Set off Energies and Passions through Exercises



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