ENJOY READING爱阅读无障碍阅读标准训练 小学6年级英语

出版时间:2010-4  出版社:吉林教育出版社  作者:李永全 等主编  页数:152  




Unit 1 Meeting a friend at the bus stationUnit 2 British dietUnit 3 Eat some green things!Unit 4 Greenland and LcelandUnit 5 The ostrich  …Unit 6 Bill GatesUnit 7 Sigeru MiyamotoUnit 8 Colours and feelingsUnit 9 Jenny’S MorningUnit 10 Wait for ten minutesUnit 11 HealthyUnit 12 How to call you?Unit 13 A police dog……答案详解


  In England, people don t usually talk too much.You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sitslooking out of the windows. Often they read. Theyread books and newspapers. But they don t talkmuch. When you meet English people, they oftentalk about one thing, the weather. So when youmeet someone in England, you say, "Nice weatherfor the time of year! "  "But it was a little colder yesterday. "someone may say:  "But it will be a little warmer later! "you can say. Talk like this and the Eng-lish people will think, "How friendly you are! "



    ENJOY READING爱阅读无障碍阅读标准训练 小学6年级英语 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   书本很不错,适合小学六年级课外阅读
  •   英语和语文一样都要多阅读,这书里内容语法都很合适六年级英语教程!
  •   质量不错,字体清楚,小孩喜欢
  •   质量不错,字体清楚对学习有用
  •   书的质量很好内容也很吸引孩子和有帮助
  •   买的书不错,邮寄顺利
  •   孩子即将五年级。先备着,明年用得着。
  •   看起来不像新书,纸张不好

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