英语第一讲透练熟重点句型 小学五年级英语

出版时间:1970-1  出版社:吉林教育  作者:史才春//王庆春  页数:172  


  My New Teachers、My Days of The Week、what,s your favourite food?What can you do?My New Room!In A Nature Park!This is My DayMy Favourite seasonMy BirthdayWhat are you doing?Look at the monkey!A Field Trip!


上学期Unit 1 My New TeachersUnit 2 My Days of The WeekUnit 3 what,s your favourite food?Unit 4 What can you do?Unit 5 My New Room!Unit 6 In A Nature Park!参考答案下学期Unit 1 This is My DayUnit 2 My Favourite seasonUnit 3 My BirthdayUnit 4 What are you doing?Unit 5 Look at the monkey!Unit 6 A Field Trip!参考答案


  Amy:Which season do you like best,Mike?  Mike:Well,in Canada I like fall best.  The sky is very blue.  The leaves are colourful.  Amy:Which season do you like best,Zhang?  Zhang:I like winter best.  We grow up noah.  We play in the snow.  Amy:Winter is beautiful,but it's too cold for me.  I Iike SUmmer best.1like to swim in the sea.  Mike:Summer is good,but fall is my favourite season.  Zhang:Why?Mike:Halloween and Thanksgiving!



    英语第一讲透练熟重点句型 小学五年级英语 PDF格式下载

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