
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:辽宁教育出版社  作者:蔡晔 编  页数:160  


  阅读理解能力是衡量外语水平的重要标志之一,对绝大多数学生来说,阅读理解,也是他们将来直接运用外语的一个最重要的渠道。  各类各级英语考试中,对阅读理解能力的考察,均居各题型之首。而且,完形填空、阅读袭达、阅读填空等题型,其实质也是在考查学们的阅读理解能力。可以说阅读理解能力的高低.是能否取得高考英语好成绩的关键。  纵观近几年各省市高考英语卷中阅读理解题,考生的平均得分率一直较低。并不是因为生词和句子读不懂,而是由于考场紧张,理解较浅,造成答题失分。因此,要想提高阅读理解得分.不仅要打好英语基础,还要掌握考试的出题思路、出题规律以及各类型题的解题技巧,强化训鲔临场考试经验。  “冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。  阅读理解训练需要日积月累,持之以恒。  在日常学习过程中,每天至少要做1篇阅读理解题,在复习迎考阶段,每天一定要坚持做:篇,而且一定要给自己限时,并记录下每次的实际完成时间,直到把自己训练到在标准的时间内轻松完成试卷中的阅读理解题,才算过关。  阅读理解是英语学习的关键环节,如此大量且强制性地做阅读理解,还能让你保持对英语的感觉,打通英语考试中的其他难点题型。  “方法是成功的捷径,是人类独有的智慧结晶”。  要真正学会阅读,积累解答阅读理解题的技巧,才能真正提高阅读理解题的得分率。  首先,养成良好的英语阅读习惯是关键。在阅读文章时边阅读边查词典,碰到生词心理恐惧,不知所措,这些因素都制约着对文章的理解以及答题的速度。  其次,寻找到适合自己的阅读理解的方法。做阅读理解题的方法非常多,但不一定都适合你。所以平时练习的时候应该尝试多种做题的方法,找到最适合自已的方法。本书给你推荐一个简便实用方法共你参考:第一步:快速浏览一遍短文的首段,因为通过首段基本可以了解这篇材料所要讲的话题内容。第二步:看问题和选项,因为问题的安排顺序其实和文章的顺序是柱对应的,通过问题可以预知文章的结构,能够让你进一步了解到文章所要讲的内容。第三步:带着题目,认真看文章首段、末段以及每个段落的首句。这个时候你会发现,你已经可以解决一两个题,目了。第四步:解决看那些没有解决的题目,这些一般都是处理细节题。带着这些细节题,快速通览全文,找到细节所在处,对照问题寻找正确答案。  本书秉承着以上的学习理念,组织了一批为《英语周报》《双语报》等优秀报刊长期供稿的优秀作者,精编+原创,打造了这本阅读辅导训练资料,为广大莘莘学子朋友们提供一个学习的好帮手。相信同学们通过本书,运用科学有效的方法和持之以恒的训练,一定能快捷地提高英语阅读水平,在英语考试中获取高分。


Unit 1 Family,friends and people aroundUnit 2 Language learningUnit 3 Travel and transport.Unit 4 NatureUnit 5 History and GeographyUnit 6 Entertainment and sports.Unit 7 Popular science and modern technologyUnit 8 literature and artUnit 9 Festiva1s,holidays aidce1ebrationsUnit 10 Food and drifikUnit 11 Daily routinesUnit 12 Personal informationUnit 13  School lifeUnit 14 Personal environmentsUnit 15  ShoppingUnit 16  Interests and hobbiesUnit 17  WeatherUnit 18 SocietyUnit 19  EmotionsUnit 20  Interpersonal relationshipsUnit 21 P1ans and intentionsUnit 22 HealthUnit 23 The world and the environmentUnit 24 Topical issues答案与解析


  We sisters loved Diwali(排灯节),the festival of lights. We looked forward to the small package father brought for US-the box of sweets I When the sweets were gone want for an other box.,And yes,who can forget the crackers?We always felt they weren’t enough for US to go to the common Dlay ground and burst them with the other kids. Those days were hard,father used to buv us limited crackers within his means. Other kids found it funny that we came to enjoy Diwali with six to ten crackers. A girl laughed“Hey,that’s all,and then what are you going to burst tomorrow?”I felt a lump(哽咽)in my thro at.I looked at my sister.I could see tears in her eyes·If only father could buy US some more crackers,I could give her a right reply·The next DiwaIi we burst crack ers on our terrace(台阶),just the two of US. We noticed an elderly aunt watch us enjoy. At the end of it,she Said,“It was beautiful,you made my day!"She used to look after her sick father day after day with love,her world revolved only from home to office and back. We felt happy that day;we saw her smile!She surely made our day too·Today,years later,Diwali has a different meaning. Today we can afford to buy as many crackers as we wish from our earnings,but we never do.





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