
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:辽宁教育出版社  作者:蔡晔 编  页数:160  字数:210000  


  阅读理解能力是衡量外语水平的重要标志之一,对绝大多数学生来说,阅读理解,也是他们将来直接运用外语的一个最重要的渠道。各类各级英语考试中,对阅读理解能力的考察,均居各题型之首。而且,完形填空、阅读表达、阅读填空等题型,其实质也是在考查学生们的阅读理解能力。可以说阅读理解能力的高低,是能否取得高考英语好成绩的关键。  纵观近几年各省市高考英语卷中阅读理解题,考生的平均得分率一直较低。并不是因为生词和句子读不懂,而是由于考场紧张,理解较浅,造成答题失分。因此,要想提高阅读理解得分,不仅要打好英语基础,还要掌握考试的出题思路、出题规律以及各类型题的解题技巧,强化训练临场考试经验。


Unit 1 Popular science and modern technology Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 2 Society Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 3 Plans and intentions Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 4 Health Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 5 Literature and art Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 6 Daily routines Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 7 Personal environments Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 8 Nature Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 9 Travel and transport Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 10 Personal information Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 11 School life Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 12 Family, friends and people around Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 13 Entertainment and sports Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 14 Food and drink Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 15 Shopping Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 16 Festivals, holidays and celebrations Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 17 Interests and hobbies  Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 18 Language learning Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 19 Weather Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 20 Emotions Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 21 Interpersonal relationships  Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 22 The world and the environment Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 23 Topical issues Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage EUnit 24 Language learning Passage A Passage B Passage C Passage D Passage E答案与解析


  Nowadays skin cancer has become the most common form of cancer. Actually there arethree types of skin cancerz basal cell cancer, squamous(鳞状的) cell cancer and melanoma.Melanoma is less common compared with the other two. However, it is the most dangerousskin cancer among the three.  What is skin cancer? You may wonder. It is a disease in which cancer cells are found inthe outer layers of your skin. It commonly happens to people with light colored skin who havespent lots of time in the sunlight. While your health benefits from sunshine because it pro-vides your body with Vitamin D, exposure to too much sunlight is not a good thing. Skincancer can occur everywhere on your body, and it often occurs in your ace, neck, hands, andarms as these places have been exposed to more sunlight.  It is necessary for you to know the warning signs of the disease. Look closely at your body. Achange in color or shape of moles could be one of the early signs of skin cancer. Besides, keep an eyeon wounds or cuts which will not heal. If youve got such a cut or a wound on your skin, go to see adoctor. Dont be embarrassed! This is how this type of cancer often begins and the earlier the diagno-sis the better the prognosis. You cannot afford to be shy when it comes to your health!  For prevention, you should cover as much skin as possible, apply sun lotion to all ex-posed skin, and avoid sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Take the time to learn the skinwarning signs and have your doctor check any auspicious skin markings and any changes in theway your skin looks. Be ready to do your part in an early stage to fight it successfully.  Experts say this disease is not just caused by us sitting out in the sun too long. There aremany factors that can explain why some people will eventually experience this type of cancer.





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