
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:辽宁教育出版社  作者:蔡晔 编  页数:128  


第一部分  阅读理解解题指导    阅读文章是我们接触外语的最主要途径,因此,阅读理解历来是高考试卷中占权重较大的一部分。概括地说,阅读能力重点考查点为以下7种阅读和表达的技能:领悟文章的大意,话题的能力;文章主旨归纳概括的能力;文章的细节和细节转换理解的能力;了解文章的结构与写作手法;文章的寓意内涵理解能力;词义的正确理解能力;文章的推断能力;重要词汇的用法、同义词辨析、归纳、转换、以及单词的拼写和大小写格式等有关词形等的表达能力。    近年高考中不少阅读新题型,对考生阅读能力提出了更高的要求,着重考查考生综合运用语言知识和各种技能的能力。    下面我们将高考的阅读理解题细化为多种题型加以研究和叙述,主要目的是为方便读者理解和掌握,进而破解各种类型的阅读理解题。由于篇幅有限,这里的阅读理解题型分类都是一些主要的、典型的题型,并不能概括阅读理解的所有题型。况且,我们也没有必要把阅读理解题型分得过细,因为很多题型都互有关联,比如解答主旨大意题中必然含有推理或判断的思维活动,事实细节题中也可能要进行推理判断,而推理判断题也不能离开文章的主旨或细节等等。


Unit 1  Personal informationUnit 2  School lifeUnit 3   Family, friends and peoplearoundUnit 4  Personal environmentsUnit 5  Entertainment and sportsUnit 6  Food and drinkUnit 7  ShoppingUnit 8  Interests and hobbiesUnit 9  The world and the enwronmentUnit 10  NatureUnit 11  Plans and intentionsUnit 12  Daily routinesUnit 13  WeatherUnit 14   Festivals, holidays and celebrationsUnit 15  SocietyUnit 16  Travel and transportUnit 17   Pooular science and moderntechnologyUnit 18  HealthUnit 19  Interpersonal relationshipsUnit 20  EmotionsUnit 21  Topical issuesUnit 22  Literature and artUnit 23  History and geographyUnit 24  Language learning模拟测试题一模拟测试题二模拟测试题三模拟测试题四答案与解析


  English is spoken as a first language in several countries,including England,Australia,South Africa. Canada and the United States. While all of these countries share the same mother tongue(母语)there are differences in the ways they speak and write.  The first difference is the accent(口音).Each country has its own accent .And within each coun try there are all kinds of accents. Another difference is the spelling of some words,like color and colour,or theater and theatre. The third is that some of the words are completely different. For example,Americans say restroom,Canadians say washroom,and the British say WC(water closet).But all of these words have the same meaning(the room where the toilet is).  So which English is the best English to learn?Well,there is no best English. They are all good and correct. But two things may help you decide which one is best for you to study.  First of all,where do you live?If you are from South America,you will probably need to know North American English .If you live in Europe,most likely you will need British English. The second thing to think about is why you are learning English. Is it for business,travel,or watching movies?Think about the kind of English you plan to use,and concentrate(集中)on under standing people from that area.  But no matter where you study English,its still good to know a little about the English language in other countries.


  《非常英语·阅读训练(7年级)》读原创文章,感觉热点话题,全方位提高阅读技巧。  英语周报、双语报、英语辅导报等作者精心编写。




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