听说通(第3册)(第4版) (平装)

出版时间:2004-6  出版社:辽宁教育出版社  作者:汉瑞德  页数:198  字数:97000  


Chapter 1 New challenges  PART 2 Listen to make predictions  PART 3 Offering and requesting clarification  PART 4 Focus on testing.page 15.Chapter 2 Looking at learning  PART 2 Listen for main ldeas  PART 3 Asking for confirmation  PART 4 Focus on testing.page 27.Chapter 3   PART 2 Listening for straw man arguments  PART 4 Focus on testing.page 38.Chapter 4   PART 2 Listening for Analogies  PART 3 Expressing opinions  PART 4 Focus on testing.page 49.Chapter 5 High tech,low techChapter 6 Money mattersChapter 7 Remarkable individualsChapter 8 CreativityChapter 9 Human behaviorChapter 10 Crime and punishmentChapter 11 The physical worldChapter 12 Together on a small planet



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