出版时间:2008-10 出版社:辽宁科学技术出版社 作者:徐国成 等主编 页数:128
本书共收录了十四经穴361个,以及经外奇穴46个,采用国际标准穴名进行标注。从表面解剖、局部解剖及断面解剖等多角度对穴位局部的皮肤、肌肉、血管、神经和骨骼等进行了剖析,阐明了穴位的位置及其与周围组织器官的关系。对于部位深且邻近人体重要生命脏器的特殊穴位,采用了更为直观的穴位所在部位的冠状、矢状和水平断面图,准确地将其呈现给读者,使之一目了然。配合书中提供的人体腧穴一览表,可以清晰地了解每个穴位的名称、国际标准穴名、归经、定位、功效、主治、刺法及注意事项等。本书以《汉英中医药学辞典》为依据,力争做到国际标准穴名的规范统一。 本书的出版发行,将为学习针灸、推拿者更快更准确地掌握穴位的定位、主治及其特殊部位的刺灸法,提供了一部实用性更强的教材。
1.常用骨度分寸示意图(前面) Illustration of commonly—used bone-length measurement(anterior aspect)2.常用骨度分寸示意图(后面) Illustration of commonly—used bone—length measurement(posterior aspect)3.常用骨度分寸示意图(侧面) Illustration of commonly——used bone——length measurement(1ateral aspect)4.头面颈部的皮肤与腧穴(前面) Skins and acupoints on the head,face and neck(anterior aspect)5.任脉廉泉穴定位 Location for Lianquan。CV23)from the conception vessel6.督脉龈交穴与口腔内的经外奇穴定位 Locations for Yinjiao(GV28)from the governor vessel and extraordinary acupoints in mouth cavity7.经外奇穴聚泉穴定位 Location for Juquan(EX—HNIO)from the extraordinary acupoint8.头面颈部的肌肉与腧穴(前面) Mules and acupoints on the head face and neck(anterior aspect)9.头面颈部的血管、神经与腧穴(前面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the head, face and neck(anterior aspect)10.头面颈部的骨骼与腧穴(前面) Skeletons and acupoin~on the head,face and neck(anterior aspect)11.头颈部的皮肤与腧穴(后面) Skins and acupoints on the head and neck(poaerior aspect)12.经外奇穴四神聪穴定位 Locations for Sishencong(EX—HNl)from the extraordinary acupoint13.头颈部的肌肉与腧穴(后面) Mules and acupoints。on the head and neck(posterior aspect)14.头颈部的血管、神经与腧穴(后面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the head and neck(posterior aspect)15.头颈部的骨骼与腧穴(后面) Skeletons and acupoints on the head and neck fposterior aspect) 16.头面颈部的皮肤与腧穴(侧面) Skins and acupoints on the head face and neck(1ateral aspect)17.经外奇穴内迎香穴定位 Location for Neiyingxiang(EX—HN9)from theextraordinary acupoint18.头面颈部的肌肉与腧穴(侧面) Muscles and acupoints on the head face and neck(1ateral aspect)19.头面颈部的血管、神经与腧穴(侧面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the head,face and neck(1ateral aspect) 20.头面颈部的骨骼与腧穴(侧面) Skeletons and acupoints on the head,face and neck(1ateral aspect)21.任脉、督脉头部经穴图 Head acupoints on the conception vessel and governor vessel22.百会穴、脑户穴矢状切面 Sagial section of Baihui(GV20)and Naohu(GVl7)23.承泣穴、四白穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Chengqi(STl)and Sibai(ST2)24.睛明穴横切面 Transverse section of Jingming(BLl)25.球后穴、翳风穴横切面 Transverse section of Qiuhou(EX~HN7)and Yifeng(TEl7)26.听宫穴横切面 Transverse section of Tinggong(S119)27.耳门穴横切面 Transverse section of Ermen(TE21)28.风池穴横切面 Transverse section of Fengchi(GB20)29.哑门穴、风府穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Yamen(GNl5)and Fengfu(GVl6)30.廉泉穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Lianquan fCV23)31.人迎穴、扶突穴横切面 Transverse section of Renying(ST9)and Futu(L118)32.天鼎穴横切面 Transverse section of Tianding(L117)33.躯干部的皮肤与腧穴(前面) Skins and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)34.任脉会阴穴定位 Location for Huiyin(CVl)from the conception vesser35.躯干部的肌肉与腧穴(前面) Muscles and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)36.躯干部的血管、神经与腧穴(前面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)37.躯干部的脏器与腧穴(前面) Organs and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)38.躯干部的骨骼与腧穴(前面) Skeletons and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)39.躯干部的皮肤与腧穴(后面) Skins and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)40.躯干部的肌肉与腧穴(后面) Muscles and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)41.躯干部的血管、神经与腧穴(后面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)42.躯干部的脏器与腧穴(后面) Organs and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)43.躯干部的骨骼与腧穴(后面) Skeletons and acupoin~on the trunk(posterior aspect)44.躯干部的皮肤与腧穴(侧面) Skins and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)45.躯干部的肌肉与腧穴(侧面) Muscles and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)46.躯干部的血管、神经与腧穴(侧面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)47.躯干部的脏器与腧穴(侧面) Organs and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)48.躯干部的骨骼与腧穴(侧面) Skeletons and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)49.任脉、督脉颈、躯干部经穴图 Neck and trunk acupoints on the conception vessel and governor vesser50.足少阴肾经腹部经穴图(前正中线旁开0.5寸) Abdomen acupoints on KI.0.5cun lateral to the anterior midline51.足少阴肾经、足阳明胃经经穴图(前正中线旁开2寸) Acupoints on KI and ST.2cun lateral to the anterior midline52.足阳明胃经、足太阴脾经经穴图(前正中线旁开4寸) Acupoints on ST and SP.4cun lateral to the anterior midline53.足太阳膀胱经经穴图I(后正中线旁开1.5寸) Acupoints on BL I.1.5cun lateral to the posterior midline54.足太阳膀胱经经穴图Ⅱ(后正中线旁开3寸) Acupoints on BL II.3cun lateral to the posterior midline55.肩井穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Jianjing(GB21)56.中府穴、云门穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Zhongfu(LUl)and Yunmen(LU2)57.缺盆穴、气户穴、库房穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Quepen(STl2),Qihu(STl3)and Kufang(ST14)58.璇玑穴、天突穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Xuanji(CV21)and Tiantu(CV22)59.膻中穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Danzhong fCVl7)60.鸠尾穴、中庭穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Jiuwei(CVl5)and Zhongting(CVl6)61.步廊穴、神封穴、灵墟穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Bulang(K122) Shenfeng(K123)and Lingxu(K124)62.日月穴、巨阙穴横切面 Transverse section of Riyue(GB24)and Juque(CVl4)63.渊腋穴、大包穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Yuanye(GB22)and Dabao(SP21)64.期门穴横切面 Transverse section of Qimen(LRl4)65.京门穴横切面 Transverse section of Jingmen(GB25)66.章门穴横切面 Transverse section of Zhangmen(LRl3)67.曲骨穴、中极穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Qugu(CV2)and ZhonNi(CV3)68.陶道穴、大椎穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Taodao(GVl3)and Dazhui(GVl4)69.大杼穴、风门穴、肺俞穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Dazhu(BL11),Fengmen(BLl2)and Feishu(BL13)70.厥阴俞穴、心俞穴、膈俞穴矢状切面 Sagittal section of Jueyinshu(BLl4),Xinshu(BLl5)and Geshu(BL17)71.上肢的皮肤与腧穴(前面) Skins and acupoints on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)72.手少阴心经极泉穴的定位 Location for Jiquan(HTl)from the heart meridian of hand—shaoyin73.上肢的肌肉与腧穴(前面) Muscles and acupoints on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)74.上肢的血管、神经与腧穴(前面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)75.上肢的骨骼与腧穴(前面) Skeletons and acupoin~on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)76.上肢的皮肤与腧穴(后面) Skins and acupoints on the upper extremity(posterior aspect)77.上肢的肌肉与腧穴(后面) Muscles and acupointS on the upper extrernity(posterior aspect)78.上肢的血管、神经与腧穴(后面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the upper extremity(posterior aspect)79.上肢的骨骼与腧穴(后面) Skeletons and acupoints on the upper extremity(posterior aspect)80.上肢的皮肤与腧穴(侧位) Skins and acupoints on the upper extremity (lateral aspect)81.上肢的肌肉与腧穴(侧面) Muscles and acupoints on the upper extremity(1ateral aspect)82.上肢的血管、神经与腧穴(侧面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the upper extremity(1ateral aspect)83.上肢的骨骼与腧穴(侧面) Skeletons and acupoints on the upper extremity flateral aspect)84.左尺泽穴横切面 Transverse section of Chize(LU5,left)85.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(前面) Skins and acupoints on the lower extremity(anterior aspect)86.足少阴肾经涌泉穴与经外奇穴独阴的定位 Locations for Yongquan(K11)from KI and Duyin(EX—LEll)from the extraordinary acupoint87.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(前面) Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(anterior aspect)88.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(前面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(anterior aspectl89.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(前面) Skel~ons and acupoints on the lower extremity fanterior aspect)90.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(后面) Skins and acupoints on the lower extremity rposterior aspect)91.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(后面) Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(posterior aspect)92.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(后面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(posterior aspect)93.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(后面) Skeletons and acupoints on the lower extremity (posterior aspect)94.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(外侧面) Skins and acupoin~on the lower extremity(lateral aspect)95.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(外侧面) Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(1ateral aspect)96.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(外侧面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(1ateral aspect)97.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(外侧面) Skeletons and acupoints on the lower extremity(1ateral asDect)98.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(内侧面) Skins and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)99.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(内侧面) Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)100.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(内侧面) Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)101.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(内侧面) Skeletons and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)102.环跳穴横切面 Transverse section of Huantiao(GB30)103.左委阳穴、委中穴横切面 Transverse section of Weiyang(BL39,left)and Weizhong(BL40,left)常用骨度分寸表The table of standards for commonly-used bone-length measurement(curt)人体腧穴一览表The table of acupoints on the human body 手太阴肺经腧穴 Acupoints on the lung meridian of hand——taiyin 手厥阴心包经腧穴 Acupoints on the pericardium meridian of hand_jueyin 手少阴心经腧穴 Acupoints on the heart meridian of hand—shaOvin 手阳明大肠经腧穴 Acupoints on the large intestine meridian of hand——yangming 手少阳三焦经腧穴 Acupoints on the triple energizer meridian of hand-shaoyang 手太阳小肠经腧穴 Acupoints on the small intestine meridian of hand—taiyang 足阳明胃经腧穴 Acupoints on the stomach meridian of foot-yangming 足少阳胆经腧穴 Acupoints on the gallbladder meridian of fOOt—shaOyang 足太阳膀胱经腧穴 Acupoints on the bladder meridian of fOOt—taiyang 足太阴脾经腧穴 Acupoints on the spleen meridian of foot-taiyin 足厥阴肝经腧穴 Acupoints on the liver meridian of foot-jueyin 足少阴肾经腧穴 Acupoints on the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin 督脉腧穴 Acupoints on the governor vessel 任脉腧穴 Acupoints on the conception vessel 常用经外奇穴 Commonly-used extraordinary acupoints参考文献