
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:新疆青少年出版社  作者:王后雄 著  页数:178  




第一轮 综合知识基础复习第一章 词典考点1 名词考点2 冠词考点3 形容词考点4 副词考点5 数词考点6 动词考点7 非谓语动词考点8 介词考点9 代词考点10 连词第二章 时态考点11 八大时态第三章 语态考点12 被动语态第四章 句子考点13 简单句考点14 复合句考点15 主谓一致考点16 直接引语和间接引语考点17 虚拟语气第五章 交际用语考点18 一般交际用语考点19 打电话考点20 购物考点21 问路和应答考点22 看病考点23 就餐考点24 约会考点25 禁止或警告考点26 语言交际困难考点27 谈论天气第六章 话题考点28话题第二轮 中考英语专题突破复习第七章 中考英语话题型解法例释考点29 听力题考点30 单项选择题考点31 单词填空题考点32 动词填空题考点33 句型转换考点34 翻译填空题考点35 补全对话考点36 完形填空考点37 阅读理解考点38 句文改错考点39 书面表达考点40 口试题第三轮 中考英语冲刺试卷考点无敌专家教您考场应试法宝专家计划书参考答案(单独成册)


  1. (2009 ·安) —— Listen ! Is Professor Johnson giving a report inthe hall?—— No, it be him. He has gone to Japan.  A. needn' t B. may not C. mustn' t D. can' t  2. (2009 ·临沂) —— Must I answer this question in English?—— No, you  A. mustn' t B. needn' t C. can' t D. shouldn' t  3. (2009 ·成都)- What would you send to your sister as the Christmas gift?—— I haven' t decided yet. I send her a hand bag.  A. shall B. may C. must  4. (2009 ·福州)Must I my camera, Lily?- No, you Don' t worry. I' 11 take one myself.  A. to take; mustn't B. take; needn't  C. to bring; needn' t D. bring; mustn' t  5. (2009 ·重庆) —— Can you play the piano? Yes, I I often practise it on weekends.  A. needn' t B. need C. can' t D. can  6. (2009 ·苏洲) It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it be rather cold sometime.  A. must B. can C. should D. would  7. (2009 ·河南)- Excuse me, where are we going to have our class meeting?  I'm not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He know.  A. can B. may C. need D. shall  8. (2009 ·山西 )—— Shall we go skateboarding after school? Sorry, my parents said that I be at home early.  A. need B. must C. may  9. (2009 ·黄杠 ) —— May we leave the classroom now?—— No, youYou __ to leave until the bell rings.  A. mustn't; are allowed B. don' t have to; are supposed  C. needn' t; aren' t allowed D. can' t; aren' t supposed  10. (2009 ·天津)- Shall I tell Bob the news?——No, you I've told him already.  A. shouldn' t B. wouldn' t C. mustn't D. needn' t  11. (2009 ·济南) —— Who' s that girl swimming in the pool? is it Lucy?   ……



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