
出版时间:2005-3  出版社:广东高等教育出版社  作者:许瑞芬等编写  页数:241  


  教学是一种艺术,艺术修养的提高需要在实践过程中运用教育教学理论。本书是理论与实践完美结合的典范。它紧扣中国的小学英语教学,结合西方先进的教学理论,阐述了小学英语教学的理论与技巧,中西合璧,具有很强的理论性和实践性。  中英合作广东省小学英语教师培训(PETT)是广东省教育厅和英国驻广州总领事馆文化教育处合作的品牌项目。它由广东外语艺术职业学院和英国利兹大学教育学院(School of Education,university of Leeds)承办,自2001年启动以来,已经培养了102名教师培训员,他们通过该项目建立的再培训体系已在广东省内培训了近4000名小学英语教师。在培训的过程中,培训员和学员学习到了当前先进的教育教学理论,同时也积累了丰富的教学培训和课堂实践经验。编著《小学英语教学技能培训教程》的目的在于推广经验,让更多的小学英语教师能够有一本切合实际、浅显易懂的参考书,有助于提高教师的教学水平和教学效果。  《小学英语教学技能培训教程》以少儿英语学习的特征为出发点,紧扣中国小学英语教学的现状,提供切实可行的操作实例,帮助教师在案例学习中掌握独特的儿童外语学习技巧。在阅读本教程或参与培训过程中,读者将感受到编者抛砖引玉的意图,教师们将有很多思考和发挥的余地。本书适用于小学英语教师培训员、教研员以及广大小学英语教师,对师范院校学生及中学英语教师也具有一定的启发作用。




Chapter 1 How Children Learn English
Chapter 2 Contexts and Conditions for English Language
Chapter 3 Let’s Play a Game
Chapter 4 Songs.Rhymes and Chants
Chapter 5 Storytelling aS a Teaching Technique
Chapter 6 Acting Techniques in Language Teaching
Chapter 7 Grammar Teaching in Primary Classroom
Chapter 8 Early Reading and Writing in Eng]lish as a Foreign
Chapter 9 Language
Chapter 10 Assessment for Learning
Chapter 11 How Can I Plan My Lessons
AppendixⅠ Classroom English
AppendixⅡ 国家英语课程标准(一、二级目标)


  Suggested Answers  Tlask 1.1  1.After about one year old.Some start to speak at the age of one and a half or even two years old,but they may start to speak in sentences.  2.Listening and observing.Before they are able to speak their L1,they have listened to the language and observe their parents’behaviors for about a year.  3.About two or three years old.  4.To express their real needs.For example,if they want to get some water,they have to say“water”.If they don’t want something.they say“no”.  Task 1.2  1.Answers will vary depending on trainees’own experience and ideas.Probably the first way will be more familiar than the second.  2.The first way is simple and easy to do in class.It does not need a lot of preparation apart from the pictures.The second is a more interesting way.It is easier for pupils to understand the language because the teacher uses a story to set up a meaningful situation.Furthermore,this story is a traditional Chinese one which is quite familiar to the Chinese children.  3.The teacher makes use of children’s instincts of going for meaning,learning by doing,using imagination as well as curiosity.The story helps them to understand the meaning of the language.Children would probably love to act out the story with the help of the teacher.In the process of the teaching,teacher may pause to allow children to imagine what Piggy will eat next.



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  •   这本书的教学技能将对我以后的教学很有启发性
  •   为培训班的教师作为参与用书——大家的反映还是不错的。
  •   这本书还行,就是比较没耐心看完!!!
  •   很有用的。

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