出版时间:2012-5 出版社:晓原 湖南美术出版社 (2012-05出版) 作者:晓原 页数:160
Guide to the Use of This SeriesPrefaceⅠ. Bamboo CarvingsⅡ. Wood CarvingsⅢ. Ivory CarvingsⅣ. Horn Carvings
晓原编著的《竹木牙角雕》内容介绍:Bamboo, wood, ivory and horn carvings used to attract little attention over the years. However,small as they are, they are an important category in China' s arts and crafts, noted for their rare materials,exquisite workmanship and long history. It is for this reason that they have begun to arouse the interest of collectors in recent years. Since 2003, in particular, they have become new favorites on the artwork investment market.
Bamboo Wood Ivory and Horn Carving-竹木牙角雕-古董拍卖精华 PDF格式下载