满分训练 完形填空与阅读理解 七年级

出版时间:2012-7  出版社:湖南教育出版社  作者:赵宸 编  页数:196  






第一部分 满分测评(一)中考满分测评(2012年北京市中考卷)(一)7年级满分测评第二部分 满分攻略第三部分 满分训练Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19第四部分 满分实战(一)7年级满分实战Test 1Test 2(二)中考满分实战Test 1 (2012年杭州市中考卷)Test 2 (2012年广州市中考卷)第五部分 满分解析(见分册)


  Computers are used for different things:to solve math problems,to play games,to dohomework,to look for information and SO on.As computers have changed a lot over thepast years,they seem to become cleverer and cleverer and people are having more and morequestions about computers:How clever can a computer be? Will it be cleverer than the humanbrain(人脑)?   With all these questions in mind,chess(国际象棋)matches between a computer calledDeep Blue and world chess champion(冠军)Garry Kasparov were held in the 1990s.   In 1996,Deep Blue had a six—game match with Kasparov.The computer lost five gamesbut won one.It was the first time that a computer had won a game against a world champion.   After the match,computer scientists improved Deep Blue a lot.In 1997,a cleverer DeepBlue had another chess match with Kasparov.To everyone's surprise,Deep Blue beat the chesschampion!Thus,Deep Blue became the first computer to beat a world champion in a match.   Though Deep Blue won,it didn't mean that a computer was cleverer than the humanbrain.Computers are invented by people;SO in fact,the match between a computer and a man isactually a game between humans.   1.Why did people held the matches between a computer and the world chess champion?   A.Because they want to play a new game.   B.Because they want to invent a new computer.   C.Because they want to know how clever a computer could be.   D.Because they want to meet the chess champion Garry Kasparov.   2.How many matches did the computer and Garry Kasparov have?   A.One. B.Two. C.Six.D.Seven.   3.Who won the match in the first matches in 1996?   A.The Deep Blue computer. B.Garry Kasparov.   C.Neither.D.We don't know.   4.The computer can't be cleverer than human brain,is it?   A.Yes,it iS. B.Yes,it isn't. C.No,it is.D.No,it isn't.   ……


  知识重在积累,每天坚持做完形填空与阅读理解的训练,日积月累,相信你的英语水平会在不知不觉中实现飞跃。只要勤做练习,满分不是问题!   ——清华大学 杨超    有时间可以阅读英文杂志或者观看英文电影,增加英语语感,然后进行针对性的阅读训练,这样应该能够达到事半功倍的效果。   ——清华大学 杨宁    在我看来,要做好完形填空与阅读理解这两大高分值题,需要不段地加强训练,从而查漏补缺,找出自己薄弱的语法知识等。只有这样,才能离满分的目标越来越近。   ——北京大学 肖铮    把英语当成自己的沐浴,在生活中的每一个细节里学习英语。经常朗读英语,你的语感就不会消失。英语启示是一门很美的语言,一句话能很愉快地表现很多层意义。所以,一定要开口说,经常看,这样水平才能提高。   ——复旦大学 绍洪    兴趣是最好的老师,要把英语阅读当做一种享受。多读文章,多训练,语感自然就形成了,然后做题时就会下笔如有神,凭感觉就能知道答案,从而取得很棒的成绩。   ——北京外国语大学 周颖





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