
出版时间:2007-12  出版社:湖南教育出版社  作者:本书编写组 编  页数:100  字数:170000  


Unit 5  Feeling Happy  Topic 1  Why all the smiling faces?  Topic 2  I'm really worried about Beth.    Topic 3  Many things can affect our feelings.  Unit 6  Enjoy Cycling  Topic 1  We're going on a spring field trip.     Topic 2  Let's explore the Ming Tombs.    Topic 3  Bicycles are popular with people.  Unit 7  Food Festival  Topic 1  May I invite you to our food festival?  Topic 2  Cooking is fun.    Topic 3  Welcome to our food festival!Unit 8  Our Clothes  Topic 1  What a nice coat!  Topic 2  What would you like to wear?  Topic 3  We are going to watch a fashion show.  单元测试一 (Units 5-6)单元测试二 (Units 7-8)



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  •   书到了有点旧旧的感觉,是06年的版本,不知道内容怎么样,不过我是买来给书的读者补基础的,看上去还可以,都是很基础的东西

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