
出版时间:2012-09-01  出版社:湖北教育出版社  作者:陈马利 编  页数:74  


  听和读一样,是人们学习语言的重要途径。在目前的中学英语教学中,虽然阅读深受重视,但是如何提高听力水平也是广大师生不可不面对的实际问题。在各地中、高考英语试卷中,听力所占的比重都达到甚至超过了20%,也就是说不少于整个试卷的五分之一,分量之大让我们不敢对其有半点马虎!况且,由于占据试卷第一题的重要位置,听力题完成的好坏直接影响到考生后面各题的发挥,因此其重要性是不言而喻的。  鉴于听力的重要性和考试大纲对听力的要求,为了有效提高同学们的英语听力水平及考场解题能力,我们特组织湖北省各重点中学的资深一线教师及英语教研员,以他们丰富的教学及备考经验为基础,以中学英语新课标及中、高考英语新考纲为指南,为中学生精心编写了这套《昕无忧英语听力训练》丛书!该丛书具有以下几个主要特点:  1.贴近教学难度适中 本丛书针对人教社现行中学英语教材,按单元编写,难度与各学段的教学要求保持一致,但内容更加丰富,是课堂教学的很好补充。  ……


  《英语听力训练:高中(选修10)(配人教版)》具有以下特色:  1.贴近教学难度适中 《英语听力训练:高中(选修10)(配人教版)》针对人教社现行中学英语教材,按单元编写,难度与各学段的教学要求保持一致,但内容更加丰富,是课堂教学的很好补充。  2.选材精当符合兴趣听力训练是一项枯燥乏味的事情,听力材料的选择会直接影响学生“听”的积极性和听力训练的效果。为了让同学们在听力训练中始终保持浓厚的兴趣,达到良好的训练效果,《英语听力训练:高中(选修10)(配人教版)》根据中学各学段学生的认知特点及兴趣爱好,精心挑选贴近时代和中学生生活实际的听力材料,不仅让同学们乐意听、成绩提升快,而且还能从中学到多方面的英语知识。  3.紧扣“课标” 瞄准中、高考 本书的训练量设计为每单元由两套“听力训练”组成,每套“听力训练”的题型及题量与中、高考有效对接,不仅使同学们在平时训练中也能找到考场感觉,而且方便老师进行检测,使老师和学生都用着十分顺手。  4.设题严谨以一当十本丛书设题严谨、巧妙、科学,能迅速找出同学们平时学习中的漏洞,符合各地中、高考的设题要求。同学们通过使用本书,不仅可以迅速提高自己的英语听力水平及英语综合能力,而且能在名师的指导下把握最新中、高考趋势,为决胜中、高考打下坚实的基础。


Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained听力训练1听力训练2Unit 2 King Lear听力训练1听力训练2Unit 3 Fairness for all听力训练1听力训练2Unit 4 Learning efficiently听力训练1听力训练2Unit 5 Enjoying novels听力训练1听力训练2综合测试1综合测试2参考答案录音文稿


  Text 7  W: What did you think of the film?  M: Mm, I thought it was just so-so.  W: Yeah, all these movies are the same nowadays-pretty girl, handsome man, both with amazing jobs, falling in love. There's always some silly conflict that's neatly tied up by the end.  M: Imagine if our only conflict was that your mother and mine didn't get along.  W: I guess that is why normal people like us love going to the movies so much... It's a chance to escape the troubles oflife and live in a world where everything always turns out for the best.  M: What's wrong with a little bit of positive thinking and happy endings?  W: Nothing at all. I was just thinking out loud.  M: You're right, though. It has been a long time since I saw a movie in a theater that actually inspired me like all those old classics do.  Text 8  W: You look sleepy.  M: Yes. I didn't go to bed until 2 o'clock in the moming.  W: Why?  M: I was sitting at the computer.  W: Were you making friends online?  M: Yes. How did you know that?  W: Everyone knows you are crazy about making friends online.  M: Really?  W: However, I must say that making friends online is a waste of time. And it's not real.  M: Maybe you are right, but it's very interesting.  W: That's why you cannot stop?  M: Partly. But the most important reason is that I can practise my English when I am chatting online with friends.  W: Are you serious?  M: You'd better believe it. Will you come to my house tonight? I'll show you how.  W: Thanks, anyway. Sleeping is more important for me. I must get up early tomorrow.  M: Poor you.  W: I suggest you spend less time making friends online. There are lots of more important things to do, right?  M: I know. But just let me be myself.  Text 9  W: So what do you think was the best part?  M: The part where I said "I do" , of course.  W: Haha, I knew you would say that.  M: Actually, I really like it when your parents give their speeches. I have never really seen them express any emotion before, but their words almost made me cry, especially your Dad's.  W: Well, it was a really special day for them. They think you and your parents are just great, and it makes the celebration much better when you think about it as gaining a new family.  M: I couldn't agree more. And it was so amazing to have all my friends together. I think everyone had a wonderful time.  W: The food tumed out pretty decent, huh?  M: It sure did. You never know how these things will go with so many people to feed, but I think everyone was pleased. The cake was a bit of disappointment, though.  W: Yeah, but nobody ever actually likes the cake. I mean, it's really only there to be used as face paint for the bride and groom!  M: Well, you sure got me good! And you know what? I had forgotten what a good dancer you are. It had been a long time since we cut a rug together. I think that was when everything truly sank in-that you were going to be Mrs. Kyle Daniels forever.  W: Um, you mean that you were going to be Mr. Sally Washington forever...  ……





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