出版社:湖北长江出版集团,湖北教育出版社 作者:龚源来,李正林 著 页数:274
为了配合新课标教程的全面推行,我们组织了湖北省部分重点中学以及华中师大外语学院的部分教师编写了这套《中学英语阅读教程》(共计12册),旨在为中学生提供一套与新课标教程相配合,难度相当;题材多样的泛读材料。希望读者能从这套阅读教程中充分感受东西方文化的差异以及英美国家人们的历史文化、科学技术、生活方式、情感心态等,从而开阔视野,得到启迪。 诚如读者所知,没有广泛的阅读和涉猎课本之外的语言知识,只是拘泥于课本,是很难真正学好一门外国语言的。 因此,我们编写这套丛书的基本出发点,就是为中学生的英语阅读提供最合适的材料。这套教程完全可以作为新课标的阅读补充,为读者从课本的“精读”走向课外的“泛读”搭建一个必要的平台,从而使读者学习英语的兴趣得到培养,阅读能力得到提高,并充分体验阅读带来的愉悦。 为了面向全体学生,做到“因材施教”、“开卷有益”,我们将丛书分为“拓展版”和“基础版”两种,从七年级到高三,循序渐进。“拓展版”是针对词汇量较大,语言基本功较厚实的同学;而“基础版”则是针对语言能力相对薄弱,阅读能力有待进一步提高的学生。因此,在编写过程中,阅读难度稍大、新词汇稍多的文章我们就选入了“拓展版”;而阅读较简易、生词量较少的则选入“基础版”。读者可根据自己的学习需求作选取。 每篇文章后的“词与短语”、“难句释疑”对你的阅读会有帮助,附有译文、例句的好词佳句,对你进一步理解把握文章会有裨益。
One type of fish is named salmon. There are many different kinds ofsalmon, but almost all of them mate in a very strange way. They are born insmall, fresh water rivers. They live in the river for a year, and then swimdownstream to a bigger river and eventually to the ocean. In the saltwater, theyeat constantly and grow very quickly. While they live in the ocean, salmon aresilver colored. After several years at sea, the salmon grow very long and heavy. Then, asif by magic, they all begin to swim home. Each salmon somehow rememberswhere it was born and swims to the very same area in the small river. It is a long, difficult journey home. Once the salmon enter fresh water, theystop eating. They also change colors. Some salmon turn red, others brown andgrey, and some turn pink. Some salmon grow a large bulge on their back, calleda hump. These salmon fight to swim upstream against the current of sometimesvery powerful rivers. They jump over waterfalls and have to avoid bears, birdsand fishermen. Finally, the salmon that survive mate in the same river in which they wereborn. Then, after all that work, they die! These salmon still play an importantrole. Their dead bodies help to provide nutrition to the animals that live in andaround the river. When their eggs hatch, the cycle will start again. ......