
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:大象出版社  作者:张鹏涛 总策划,程小恒 总主编  页数:130  字数:245000  


Unit 1  Sports and Games Topic 1  Are you going to play basketball?  Section A   Section B   Section C   Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 2  Would you mind teaching me?   Section A   Section B   Section C   Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 3  Which sport will you take part in?  Section A  Section B  Section C  Section D 单元巧存盘Unit 2  Keeping Healthy Topic 1  You'd better go to see a doctor.   Section A   Section B   Section C   Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 2  I must ask him to give up smoking.  Section A  Section B  Section C  Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 3  What should we do to fight SARS?   Section A   Section B   Section C   Section D 单元巧存盘Unit 3  Our Hobbies Topic 1  What hobbies did you use to have?  Section A  Section B  Section C  Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 2  What sweet music!   Section A   Section B   Section C   Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 3  What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?  Section A  Section B  Section C  Section D 单元巧存盘Unit 4  Our World Topic 1   Plants and animals are important to us.  Section A  Section B  Section C  Section D 单元巧存盘 Topic 2  I am sure there are no UFOs   Section A   Section B   Section C   Section D 单元巧存盘 ……期中测试期末测试附参考答案



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