出版时间:1995-11 出版社:河南教育出版社 作者:来得安 页数:629
这是一本用英文介绍英美两国各方面情况的书,原为河南大学外语系概况课教材。《英美概况》和单科教材的不同点是其跨度大,涉及面广,有横断面,也有纵深轴线。 该书于1988年修订过一次,1995年根据需要再次修订。第三版修订仍沿用第一、二版的基本框架,仍采用先英后美的顺序,以时空概念为坐标,内容以树状结构组合,横向展开英美社会的方方面面,纵向追溯其运动轨迹。纵横结合,互相补充。恰如影像中使用的变焦距和摇镜头技巧,既可以沿纵向轴线远近移动,又可以根据需要横向展开,这样一纵一横,需要讲述的内容也就各入其位了。 这次修订仍采用先英后美的顺序。美国的前身是英国人建立的殖民地,时间长达150年之久,美国人价值观、政体、法律和主流文化都受英国很大影响,因此,讲述英国就是直接或间接地为讲述美国社会做准备。
Volume One Great Britain Chapter One Panoramic View Section One The Country and the People Section Two The British Government Section Three Politics and Law Section Four National Economy and Cities Section Five Cultural and Social Life Chapter Two English History Section One Origin of the English Nation Section Two Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament Section Three Decline of Feudalism in England Section Four The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie Section Five Reformation in England Section Six The English Bourgeois Revolution Section Seven The industrial Revolution and the Chartist Section Eight The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireVolume Two America Chapter One Panoramic View Section One The United States and its Natural Conditions Section Two American People Section Three Government and Politics(I) Section Four Government and Politics(II) Section Five National Economy(I) Section Six National Economy(II) Section Seven Family and Social Life Chapter Two American History Section One The Thirteen English-American Colonies Section Two The War of independence Section Three Appearance of the American Constitution and the Washington Administration Section Four America During the First Half of the 19th Century-Era of Expansion Section Five The Civil War …… Supplementary Material for Reference
British Disease and Thatcher's Medicine After the Second World War,Britain was confronted with tense competition in overseas markets. It had to re-organize its production industries to meet the challenge. A number of indus-tries such as aerospace, chemicals, oil9 gas and electronics have gained strength while traditional industries such as textiles,steel, and ship-building contracted. In spite of the efforts to readjust and some short periods of rapid development. Britain's rate of economic growth has been low in comparison with that of most other industrialized countries. It averaged 2-3 per cent an-nually up t0 1971 but the rate dropped much considerably in sub-sequent years. Britain's slow growth of productivity, soaring in flation, and large unemployment gave birth to the mocking term "British Disease". Some American economists even warned that Britain would be the first developed country to become under-developed. The sickness triggered heated debate over its contributing factors. Some American economists argued that Britain's sick-ness stemmed from its excessive "socialism "and its from-cradle-to-grave welfare programme, Their argument was based on the fact that Britain nationalized some one-fourth of production and service industries after the Second World War. Some of the state-owned companies made thin profits or even ran at a loss.Its social welfare system includes the National Health Service which provides medical treatment for all English citizens. The government also spends a lot of money helping the poor, the un-employed,school children from poor families, the elderly,and widow women. Total expenditures on social welfare programs have amounted to about 20% of the'gross domestic product. The National Health Service, for example, costs the English govern-ment $ 33. 4 billion each year, or some $ 600 for each person: When people say England provides from-cradle-to-grave welfare, they mean the many kinds of the social welfare benefits. Mater-nity allowance refers to the sum of money payable to a pregnant woman until the sixth week after the birth. Some people bring-ing up children are entitled to get an additional sum before the children are 16 0r 18 years old. Children from poor families can have their meals at their school free of charge. Under certain conditions local authorities must provide free transport for pupils between their home and school. If a school graduate fails to get a full-time job and his income falls below a certain level, he is enti-tled to receive supplementary benefits from the government. These benefits are part of what has been called redistribution or transfer money in English society. The large expenditure is a heavy burden on the government which in turn has to resort to heavy taxation. It is true -that there is no tax on capital assets as yet, but the government collocts death duties which range from 10% to 80%. And dividend income tax was once as high as 85% if the receiver had a high salary. ……