
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:江苏少年儿童出版社  作者:李常军 编  页数:114  


  《点津英语:小学英语同步阅读80篇(4年级)》为了帮助小学生不断提高自己的英语阅读能力,组织了一批富有教学经验的一线骨干教师而编写的。  《点津英语:小学英语同步阅读80篇(4年级)》内容的深度相当或略深于教材,题材丰富。编者在编写时还注意文章的教育性、知识性、科学性和趣味性相统一。由浅入深,循序渐进。为方便学生阅读,书中配备了词汇表,每篇文章均配有插图,以帮助学生提高阅读兴趣。


Passage 1 Who am I?Passage 2 A riddlePassage 3 I'm three on the busPassage 4 How old are they?Passage 5 I teach my teacherPassage 6 I'm his fatherPassage 7 Which is for me?Passage 8 Do you want me to tell a lie?Passage 9 Colours and youPassage 10 My bedroomPassage 11 He tears our tickets up!Passage 12 Where is my watch?Passage 13 Too smallPassage 14 A good boyPassage 15 May I come in?Passage 16 These flowers are for you!Passage 17 A clever ratPassage 18 This is me!Passage 19 What's the time?Passage 20 What would you like?Passage 21 My classroomPassage 22 A story of beerPassage 23 Miss Brown and her friendsPassage 24 Mr Green's dining roomPassage 25 Hello, Rose!Passage 26 What can I do for you?Passage 27 A birthday partyPassage 28 A family photoPassage 29 What colour are you in?Passage 30 I am waiting for the bellPassage 31 A letterPassage 32 It is my trainPassage 33 An apple, pleasePassage 34 The first day at schoolPassage 35 Who should give the money?Passage 36 Betty and KittyPassage 37 My teachersPassage 38 Our classPassage 39 Our schoolPassage 40 My fatherPassage 41 New friendsPassage 42 Five days in a weekPassage 43 Three familiesPassage 44 Three sistersPassage 45 Foolish father and sonPassage 46 An English familyPassage 47 At a PE lessonPassage 48 I don't like saying “no” all the timePassage 49 No. 3 bus?Passage 50 I want to get offPassage 51 Work at a zooPassage 52 What a good boy!Passage 53 Children's DayPassage 54 Like my father'sPassage 55 My dayPassage 56 A nice present……参考答案



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