
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:尤松鑫、 张盛心 凤凰出版传媒集团,江苏科学技术出版社 (2009-01出版)  作者:尤松鑫  页数:470  译者:张盛心  


  Internal medicine of TCM is a clinical science of expounding and researching diseases in the circle of internal medicine and the principles of prevention and cure on the base of TCM theory and methods. It is a base of the other clinical sciences, playing an important role in TCM.  Since the written language in our country was founded, including inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Yin Dynasty (2100 - 1600 B. C. ), records of such diseases in internal medicine as headache and cardiac pain have been found.


Chapter 1  IntroductionChapter 2  Diagnostic Methodssection I  The Four Techniques of DiagnosisSection 2  The Eight Principal SyndromesChapter 3  Therapeutic PrinciplesSection I  Treatment for the Primary Cause of a DiseaseSection 2  Strengthening the Body Resistance and EliminatingPathogenic FactorsSection 3  Treatment of Biao and Ben and Treatment of Urgent and Mild SituationSection 4  Eight Therapeutic MethodsSection 5  Treatment in Accordance with Local Conditions,Constitution of an Individual and Seasonal ConditionsChapter 4  Principle of Treatment with Syndrome DifferentiationSection 1  Treatment with Syndrome DifFerentiation in Accordance with the VisceraSection 2  Treatment with Syndrome DifFerentiation in Accordance with Six ChannelsSection 3  Treatment with Syndrome DifFerentiation in Accordance with Wei, Qi, Ying and Xue. Treatment with SyndromeDifferentiation in Accordance with Tri-jiaoChapter 5  Nursing Methods and the CriteriaSection 1  Cultivation of MindSection 2  Dietetic Compatibility and IncompatibilitySection 3  Methods of Decocting and Taking DrugsAppendix: Marks of Acupuncture and MoxibustionII  Special PartChapter 1  ColdChapter 2  CoughChapter 3  HemoptysisChapter 4  AphoniaChapter 5  AsthmaChapter 6  HeadacheChapter 7  VertigoChapter 8  Tinnitus and DeafnessChapter 9  StrokeChapter 10  SyncopeChapter 11  Wind WhealChapter 12  PurpuraChapter 13  MalariaChapter 14 JaundiceChapter 15  HeatstrokeChapter 16  VomitingChapter 17  Hiccup


版权页:Strengthening the body resistance is to support vital qi, using medicinalherbs and other therapies of restoring normal functioning of the body toconsolidate the constitution. This method is mainly applied to disease of vitalqi deficiency. The methods commonly applied are invigorating qi, nourishingthe blood, nourishing yin and restoring yang. Eliminating pathogenic factors means getting rid of pathogens tofacilitate restoration of vital qi by using medicinal herbs and other therapiesof eliminating pathogenic factors and supporting healthy energy. Eliminatingpathogenic factors is applicable to excess syndromes, in which invasion bypathogens is the primary cause. The methods commonly applied are inducingdiaphoresis, purgation, clearing away heat and toxic material and removingfood retention and promoting digestion.In the development of the disease, the condition between the bodyresistance and pathogenic factors is changeable,  so in the treatmentstrengthening the body resistance and eliminating pathogenic factors shouldbe applied according to the variations of the cases, in order to havesatisfactory effect. There are many methods in clinical practice, an approachwith support of vital qi as the dominant factor, supplemented by eliminationof pathogens, a method with elimination of pathogens as the dominantfactor, supplemented by support of vital qi, a method of eliminatingpathogens before support of vital qi or supporting vital qi before eliminationof pathogens and a method of combination of support of vital qi witheliminating pathogens. According to the disease situation, the application canhave satisfying effect.





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