
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:浙江科学技术出版社  作者:轻松课堂编写组 编  页数:120  




  There are also lots of websites(called Webcam sites)which are linked to videocameras in different places around the world.One site。calledy Car,is linked to amodel car in San Diego,California.You can sit at your computer and drive the cary ourself,using the controls on your keyboard and watching the car on your screen.  If you like sharks,visit Fiona’s Shark Mania.It includes true stories about sharks,pictures of sharks,even poems about sharks.And then there is Frog land,for people who love frogs.Here you can see the Frog of the Month,and find out where to buy pet frogs and how to look after them.To feed your frog,You may need some live insects,and the best place for that is Mine Direct Live foods.You can order live insects from them over the Internet,and they will send them to you(by post)in plastic boxes.



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