
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:第1版 (2008年3月1日)  作者:帕迪利亚  页数:292  字数:573000  


从《科学探索者》的编写思路和内容,我们可以看出,它与我国《初中科学课程标准》颇有相通之处。该丛书倡导探究性学习,要求学生像科学家那样思考、观察和实验,把重点放在培养科学探索的兴趣、方法和能力上。丛书内容的综合性、跨学科性和方法的科学性无疑为我国中学科学教育提供了极好的教学资源。    “科学探索者”美国最权威的研究性学习教材。美国中学普遍选用的综合理科教材。也是新课标、新观念、新学法的最佳参考用书。本册主要讲述的是“人体生理卫生”,将带领你探索科学奥秘,指导研究性学习,知识能力方法并重,动手动脑趣味无穷。 本书主要包括人体的组成、骨骼肌肉和皮肤、消化与吸收、物质循环、呼吸与排泄、战胜疾病、神经系统、内分泌系统和生殖系统、奥林匹克动物等内容。     走近科学:发现营养平衡


Michael J. Padilla, Ph.D.
  Department of Science Education
  University of Georgia
  Athens, Georgia
  Michael Padilla is a leader in middle school science education. He has served as an editor and elected officer for the Natio


Nature of Science: Finding a Balance in NutritionChapter 1 Healthy Body Systems 1  How the Body Is Organized 2  Keeping the Body in Balance 3  Integrating Health:WellnessChapter 2 Bones, Muscles, and Skin  1  The Skeletal System  2  Integrating Technology: Diagnosing Bone and Joint Injuries  3 The Muscular System  4  The SkinChapter 3 Food and Digestion  1  Food and Energy  2  Integrating Health: Healthy Eating  3  The Digestive Process Begings  4  Final Digestion and AbsorptionChapter 4 Circulation  1  The Body's Trausportation System  2  A Closer/Look at Blood Vessels  3  Blood and Lymph  4  Integrating Health: Cardiovascular HealthChapter 5 Respiration and Excretion  1  The Respiratory System  2  Integrating Health: Smoking and Your Health  3  The Excretory SystemChapter 6 Fighting Disease  1  Infectious Disease  2  The Body's Defeuses  3  Preventing Infectious Disease  4  Noninfectious Disease  5  Integrating Environmental Science: Cancer and the EnvironmentChapter 7 The Nervous System  1  How the Nervous System Works  2  Divisions of the Nervous System  3  The Senses  4  Integrating Health: Alcohol and Other DrugsChapter 8 The Endocrine System and Reproduction   1  The Endocrine System  2  The Male and Female Reproductive Systems  3  Pregnancy, Birth, and Childhood   4  Integrating Health: Adoleseenee-A Time of ChangeInterdisciplinary Exploration: The Olympic GamesReference Section  Skills Handbook    Like a Scientist    Making Measurements    Conduefing a Scientific Investigation    Thinking Critically    Organizing Information    Creating Data Tables and GraphsAppendix A: Laboratory SafetyGlossaryIndexAcknowledgments




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   非常愿意和大家分享我的喜悦,这套书买来后成了我和孩子都喜欢的书。探索着和发现者两套书都很好,适合小学高年级和初中的学生课外阅读。我孩子现在六年级估计读完就会比其他同学起步高些。
  •   it's a colorful book.viewing our body in different way is fun.i ***e it.of course the price is another story.
  •   书编的好好,大人小孩都可以读。
  •   不错的书哦,如果我们当初学英语的时候就有这种书,那是多么幸运!

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
