
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:第1版 (2008年3月1日)  作者:帕迪利亚  页数:212  字数:418000  


“科学探索者”美国最权威的研究性学习教材。美国中学普遍选用的综合理科教材。也是新课标、新观念、新学法的最佳参考用书。  本册主要讲述的是地球上的水,内容包括:水的重要性、水的性质、水循环、淡水资源、淡水污染、海洋运动、海洋探索等,将带领你探索科学奥秘,指导研究性学习,知识能力方法并重,动手动脑趣味无穷。   走近科学:黑暗世界里的生命   


Nature of Science: Life in a Sunless WorldChapter 1 Earth: The Water Planet  1 How Is Water Important?  2 Integrating Chemistry: The Properties of Water   3 The Water CycleChapter 2 Fresh Water  1 Streams and Rivers  2 Ponds and Lakes  3 Integrating Life Science: Wetland Environments   4 Glaciers and Icebergs  5 Water UndergroundChapter 3 Freshwater Resources  1 Water to Drink  2 Balancing Water Needs  3 Freshwater Pollution  4 Integrating Physics: Water As an Energy ResourceChapter 4 Ocean Motions  1 Wave Action  2 Integrating Space Science: Tides  3 Ocean Water Chemistry  4 Currents and ClimateChapter 5 Ocean Zones  1 Exploring the Ocean  2 Integrating Life Science: Life at the Ocean's Edge  3 Integrating Life Science: The Neritic Zone and Open Ocean.  4 Resources From the OceanInterdisciplinary Exploration: The MississippiReference Section  Skills Handbook    Think Like a Scientist    Making Measurements    Conducting a Scientific Investigation    Thinking Critically    Organizing Information    Creating Data Tables and Graphs Appendix A: Laboratory SafetyGlossaryIndexAcknowledgments




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