出版时间:2008-3 出版社:浙江教育出版社 作者:(美)帕迪利亚 主编 页数:204 字数:403000
Science Explorer(《科学探索者》)是根据美国《国家科学教育标准》为美国中学生编写的科学教材。这套丛书不仅内容丰富、图文并茂,而且在引领学生探究、启迪学生心智方面也有独到之处。因此,这套语文地道、通俗易懂的英文科学教材,为我国中学汉英双语教育实验提供了丰富的教育资源。 从《科学探索者》的编写思路和内容,我们可以看出,它与我国《初中科学课程标准》颇有相通之处。该丛书倡导探究性学习,要求学生像科学家那样思考、观察和实验,把重点放在培养科学探索的兴趣、方法和能力上。丛书内容的综合性、跨学科性和方法的科学性无疑为我国中学科学教育提供了极好的教学资源。
Michael J. Padilla, Ph.D.
Department of Science Education
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Michael Padilla is a leader in middle school science education. He has served as an editor and elected officer for the Natio
Nature of Science: Unlocking the Secrets of Cells Chapter 1 Cell Structure and Function 1 Discovering Cells 2 Looking Inside Cells 3 Integrating Chemistry: Chemical Compounds in Cells 4 The Cell in Its Environment Chapter 2 Cell Processes and Energy 1 Photosynthesis 2 Respiration 3 Cell Division 4 Integrating Health: Cancer Chapter 3 Genetics: The Science of Heredity 1 Mendel's Work 2 Integrating Mathematics: Probability and Genetics 3 The Cell and Inheritance 4 The DNA Connection Chapter 4 Modern Genetics 1 Human Inheritance 2 Human Genetic Disorders 3 Integrating Technology: Advances in Genetics Chapter 5 Changes Over Time 1 Darwin's Voyage 2 Integrating Earth Science: The Fossil Record 3 Other Evidence for EvolutionInterdisciplinary Exploration: Dogs--Loyal CompanionsReference Section Skills Handbook Think Like a Scientist Making Measurements Conducting a Scientific Investigation Thinking Critically Organizing Information Creating Data Tables and GraphsAppendix A: Laboratory SafetyAppendix B: Using the MicroscopeGlossaryIndexAcknowledgments
《科学探索者·细胞与遗传(英语版)》由浙江教育出版社出版。 “科学探索者”美国最权威的研究性学习教材。美国中学普遍选用的综合理科教材。