出版时间:2008-3 出版社:浙江教育 作者:帕迪利亚 页数:164 字数:325000
“科学探索者”美国最权威的研究性学习教材。美国中学普遍选用的综合理科教材。也是新课标、新观念、新学法的最佳参考用书。 本册主要讲述的是天文学知识,内容包括搜寻彗星之家、地球、月球和太阳、太阳系、恒星、星系和宇宙、火星之旅等,将带领你探索科学奥秘,指导研究性学习,知识能力方法并重,动手动脑趣味无穷。 走近科学:搜寻彗星之家
Nature of Science: Searching for the Home of CometsChapter 1 Earth, Moon, and Sun 1 Earth in Space 2 Phases, Eclipses, and Tides 3 Integrating Technology: Rockets and Satellites 4 Earth's MoonChapter 2 The Solar System 1 Observing the Solar System 2 The Sun 3 The Inner Planets 4 The Outer Planets 5 Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors 6 Integrating Life Science: Is There Life Beyond Earth?Chapter 3 Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe 1 Integrating Physics: Tools of Modern Astronomy 2 Characteristics of Stars 3 Lives of Stars 4 Star Systems and Galaxies 5 History of the UniverseInterdisciplinary Exploration: Journey to MarsReference SectionSkills Handbook Think Like a Scientist Making Measurements Conducting a Scientific Investigation Thinking Critically Organizing Information Creating Data Tables and GraphsAppendix A: Laboratory SafetyAppendix B: Star ChartsGlossaryIndexAcknowledgments