
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:浙江教育出版社  作者:张健  页数:96  




Module 1 People and placesUnit 1 We're having a great time!Unit 2 They're going to the opera.Unit 3 Language in useModule 2 Spring FestivalUnit 1 We're getting ready for the Spring Festival.Unit 2 What traditions do you haveat the Spring Festival?Unit 3 Language in useModule 3 PlansUnit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?Unit 2 We're going to walk up the Great Wall.Unit 3 Language in useModule 4 Lfe in the futureUnit 1 Everyone will study at home.Unit 2 Everyone will have a smaU car.Unit 3 Language in useModule 5 My bometown and countryUnit 1 Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge.Unit 3 Language in useModule 6 ibe Olyropic adventureUnit 1 Cycling is more dangerous than swimnungUnit 2 English for the Olympic GamesUnit 3 Language in useRevision module A (1)Revision module A (2)期中检测卷Module 7 Planes, boats and fraingUnit 1 Tony has the longest joumey.Unit 2 It's the fastest train.Unit 3 Language in useModule 8 My past LifeUnit 1 I was born in a small village.Unit 2 I was born in Quincy.Unit 3 Language in useModule 9 Sfory timeUnit 1 Once upon a time ...Unit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the house.Unit 3 Language in useModule 10 Life bistoryUnit 1 We listened to the radio.Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.Unit 3 Language in useModule 11 Flafional beroesUnit 1 What did Zhan Tianyou do?Unit 2 He trained for five years.Unit 3 Language in useModule 12 A boliday joaroeyUnit 1 I went to Los Angeles two years ago.Unit 2 We didn't see the queen.Unit 3 Language in useRevision module 8 (1)Revision module B (2)期末检测卷参考答案



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