
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:浙江教育出版社  作者:盛艳萍 编  页数:182  


  “中考英语训练”丛书是由众多优秀、具有丰富教学经验的教研员和一线老师共同参与、全力打造而成的一套精品教辅,旨在为广大的师生提供一套集科学性、权威性和实用性于一体的英语中考复习用书。该丛书分为5个品种——《中考英语词汇语法训练》《中考英语阅读理解训练》《中考英语完形填空训练》《中考英语书面表达训练》《中考英语听力训练》。  本书是《中考英语听力训练》,它紧扣新课程标准的要求,根据最新的毕业生学业考试说明,详细地分析了历年中考听力的题型和内容,并介绍了听力考试的一些解题策略,提供了一些建议。本书中收录的20份听力训练卷都是作者根据历年中考听力的题型和内容编写而成,并配有录音带。录音带是由外籍专家按中考标准语速录制的,语音地道。同时本书还收录了6份中考英语模拟试卷,其中5份依据浙江省教育厅教研室制定的《浙江省初中毕业生学业考试说明》编写,1份按杭州市中考要求编写,以供广大老师和学生朋友参考。






  Children’S education.Actually it doesn’t cost US that much because the government pays a lot.And the lowest one is Clothing.We love to wear neatly and nicely,but we don’t buy clothes every month,do we?  M:Thank you very much,Sandra.Have a nice day!  听力训练(12)  (A)1.W:Oh,it’S cloudy now.I think it’11 be rainy tomorrow.  M:No,it won’t.The radio says that the weather will be much beer.  2.W:Hi,Tim.Why are you on your bike today?You usually walk to sch00l.  M:I have to because I’m a little late today.  3.M:Hi,could I get your name and could you tell us something about your dailylife?  W:Well,my name’s Linda.And I usually get home at 5:00.After supper around seven.I usually start my homework.  4.M:Look at the three women,do you know them?  W:I know one ofthem.She iS my aunt.  M:Which one?  W:The one who has long hair and wears glasses.  5.W:Are you good at surfing,Tom?  M:No,I’m not.I can’t do it.What about you,Linda?  W:Neither can I.But I know Bill is good at it.  (B)6.W:It’S April 12th,isn’t it?  M:Yes,only ten days before Mary’S bihday.  7.W:You speak beautiful English.Are you from London or New York?  M:Thank you.But I’m from Toronto.  8.W:Did someone tell you the answer to the question?  M:No,the teacher told me to find the answer myself.  9.W:Jack sent you a present last week,Tom?  M:I got one from Peter but not from Jack.  10.M:I’m sorry to ouble you.Can I borrow your ladder?  W:Sure,with pleasure.By the way,what do you want it for?  M:It’S Tom.He can’t reach the kite in the tree.  (C)1.M:Read this dialogue in pairs,please.





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