出版时间:2000-3-1 出版社:浙江教育出版社 作者:蒋 放,陈福民,顾葆春,沈美萍,张晓媛,汝茵佳,虞永平 页数:139
against large ones with sticks and stones.Later, by living and working together,theybegantoliveingroups,thusbecoming primitive men.Primitive menwere able to strike stones into stonewares,grind the bones of wild animals into boneneedles with which they sewed animalskins into clothes.It took primitive men a very long timeto find two ways of making fire: one is todrill a piece of sharp wood against another the other is to beat or strike with flints.With fire, they could eat cooked food atany time. In working, they also learned tohunt and fish with nets made of ropes, totame and raise livestock, and to plantcrops.This unit is to give children basicknowledge about the process of humandevelopment and help them understandthat the use of fire and stonewares was thefirst step towards civilization.