
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:安徽科学技术出版社  作者:蔡章兵,刘中珍,何志伦 主编  页数:195  




Chapter 1 Resume简历
Unit 1 Introduction Of Resume简历的概述
1.1 Basic Information基本信息
1.2 Job Objection职业目标
1.3 EducationaI Background教育背景
1.4 Social Practices社会实践
1.5 Working Experience工作经历
1.6 Vocational Skills职业技能
1.7 Honors And Awards荣誉奖励
1.8 Self-assessment自我评估
1.9 Additional Information附加信息
Unit 2 Key Points Of Writing Resumes And Notes For
Unit 3 Resume Templates And Examples简历模板和范例
3.1 Resume For Graduates毕业生类简历
3.2 Resume For Experienced Job-hunters跳槽求职类简历
Chapter 2 Application Letter求职信
Unit 1 Application Letter求职信
Unit 2 Writing Principles And Notes For Attention求职信的撰写原则和注意事项
Unit 3 Examples实例
Chapter 3 Interview面试
Unit 1 Regular Interview常规面试
1.1 Recruitment Meeting招聘会
1.2 Telephone Counseling电话咨询
1.3 Meeting见面寒喧
1.4 Self-introduction自我介绍
1.5 About Educational Background谈论教育背景
1.6 About Professional Skills谈论专业技能
1.7 About Working Experience谈论工作经历
1.8 About Reasons For Demission And Application谈论离职与求职原凶
1.9 About Qualification Advantages谈论胜任优势
1.10 About Career Aim&Salary Expectaion谈论职业规划与待遇期望
1.11 Expressing Expectation表达愿望
1.12 Ending An Interview结束面试
Unit 2 Telephone Interview电话面试
2.1 Preparation Before Telephone Interview电话面试前的准备
2.2 During The Telephone Interview电话面试中
Unit 3 Online Interview网络面试
Chapter 4 Samples of Popular Job Interviews热门职位面试实例
4.1 Tourist Guide导游
4.2 Airline Hostess空姐
附录——Terms Of Human Resources人力资源术语



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