
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:安徽科学技术出版社  作者:(美)内申,(美)玛拉克 编著  页数:105  字数:180000  




IntroductionChapter 1: Animals Reading 1 Groups of Animals/ Reading 2 Elephants  Reading 3  Penguins  Reading 4 Kinds of Animals  Reading 5 Cats and DogsChapter 2: Books Reading 6  Reading Books  Reading 7 Book Clubs  Reading 8 The Library of the Future  Reading 9 Books on Tape . Reading 10 Changing BooksChapter 3: Computers Reading 11  Far Away Friends  Reading 12 Computer Lessons  Reading 13 Everyone Needs a Computer 31  Reading 14 Computers at Work  Reading 15 The Amazing ComputerChapter 4: Music Reading 16 The Power of Music  Reading 17 Everybody Loves Music  Reading 18 Learning to Play Music  Reading 19 The King of Rock  Reading 20 Rap MusicChapter 5: Places Reading 21 The Grand Canyon  Reading 22 Venice  Reading 23 Antarctica  Reading 24 The Panama Canal  Reading 25 The Amazon RainforestChapter 6: Medicine Reading 26  Natural Medicine  Reading 27 Cough Syrup  Reading 28 The Pharmacist  Reading 29 The Emergency Room  Reading 30 The Bird FluChapter 7: Plants Reading 31  Plants and People  Reading 32 Caring for Plants  Reading 33  Using Plants  Reading 34 Forests  Reading 35 The Venus FlytrapChapter 8: Learning Reading 36  How We Learn  Reading 37 Step by Step Learning  Reading 38 Fast Learners  Reading 39 Different Ways to Learn  Reading 40 Learning and Unlearning Fear



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