
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:安徽科学技术出版社  作者:方华文 编  页数:254  字数:320000  




感动,是浸润心灵的天簌,是唤醒生命的禅音。懂得感动的人,不会迷失在自我的情怀里,他们的眼界更高,眼光更远,关注得更多。他们是懂得在生活的缝隙里,在命运的跌宕处,寻找阳光、温暖和力量的人。感动是人生最美好的感觉,它是一杯用自我的情感浸泡出来的智慧茶,可以改变自我。     本书精选了75封名人书信。阅读这些阳光、感人、充满质感的名人书信,心灵在这一刻,也许只收获了感动;然而,若干年之后,你会因为今天的感动,走出一个完美而成功的人生。


一、科学家  1. Gurie and Poincare to the Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich  2. Einstein to the University of Jerusalem  3. Faraday to Sarah Barnard  4. Galileo to Kepler, an excerpt  5. Huxley to His Friend's Son  6. Kepler to Galileo, an excerpt二、社会活动家  7. Earhart to George Putnam  8. Lawrence to His Mother  9. Montagu to Her Daughter, an excerpt  10. Schweitzer to Alfred Boegner, an excerpt  11. Schweitzer to Leon M' Ba三、思想家  12. Denis Diderot to Sophia Poland, an excerpt  13. Diogenes to Aristippus (4th B. C.)  14. Emerson to Walt Whitman  15. William James to His Students  16. Nietzsche to His Sister, an excerpt  17. Voltaire to Olympe Dunoyer四、文学家  18. Bronte to Thomas de Quincy  19. Byron to Countess Teresa Guiccioli, an excerpt  20. Conrad to Edward Garnett  21. Dickens to George Eliot, an excerpt  22. Edgar Allen Poe to His Stepfather  23. Faulkner to Dr. Julius S. Bixler  24. Fitzgerald to Mrs. Neuville, His Landlady  25. Flaubertc to George Sand  26. Hawthorne  27. Heine to Camille Selden  28. Dickinson to Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson, an excerpt  29. George Eliot to Her Stepdaughter  30. Ellzabeth Barrett to Robes Browning, an excerpt  31. Fleming to His Mother  32. Godwin to Percy Bysshe Shelley  33. Hemingway to His Father  34. Hemingway to His Daughter, an excerpt  35. Henry James to His Sister  36. Johnson to Chesterfield  37. Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo  38. Keats to His Younger Brother Tom  39. Lewis Carroll to Young Friend Georgina Watson  40. Mark Twain to His Wife (1)  41. Mark Twain to His Wife (2)  42. Nash to Frances Rider Leonard  43. John O'Hara to His Daughter (1)  44. John O'Hara to His Daughter (2)  45. Eugene O'Neill to William Lyon Phelps  46. Randall to His Wife  47. Stevenson to His Fother  48. Washington Irving to His Nephew, an excerpt  49. Wilde to France Forbes Robertson  50. William Cullen Bryant to His Mother  51. Wilson to Ernest Hemingway  52. Woollcott to Margaret Mitchell五、艺术家  53. Beethoven to the "lmmortal Beloved"  54. Hornsgein to Richard Wagner  55. Hugo to Adele Foucher (1821)  56. Schubert to Francis II  57. Wagner to Baron Robert Hornstein六、政治家  58. Abigail Adams to John Adams, an excerpt  59. Jefferson to HIs Nephew  60, Lincoln to Mrs, Blxby  61. Reagan to His Wife Nancy  62. Roosevelt to Ted  63. Stephen Grover Cleveland to Queen Victoria  64. Washington to His Wife, an excerpt  65. Chesterfield to His Son  66. Churchill to Clementine Churchill  67. Churchill to His Daughter  68. Clementine to the London Times  69. Clementine to Winston Churchill  70. Franklin to u Young Man  71. Franklin to His Sister  72. Josephine to Napoleon  73. Napoleon to Josephine (1)  74. Napoleon to Josephine (2)  75. Queen Victoria to Mary Todd Lincoln


  You are fortunate enough to have only been in lovewith one woman in your life. For over a year I had beenin love with two people and had been absolutely faithfulto Hadley. When Hadley decided that we had better geta divorce the girl with whom I was in love was in America.I had not heard from her for almost two months. In herlast letter she had said that we must not think of eachother but of Hadley, You refer to "Love Pirates~,"persons who break up your home!etc.and you knowthat I am hot tempered but I know that it is easy to wishpeople in Hell when you know nothing of them, I haveseen,suffered,and been through enough so that I donot wish anyone in Hell. It is because 1 do not want youto suffer with ideas of shame and disgrace that I nowwrite all this. We have not seen much of each other fora long time and in the meantime our lives have beengoing on and there has been a year of tragedy in mineand I know you can appreciate how difficult and almostimpossible it is for me to write about it.






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