出版时间:2010-4 出版社:时代出版传媒股份有限公司,安徽科学技术出版社 作者:方华文 编 页数:268
大多数西方歌曲都符合中国“请水出芙蓉”的美学观,反映出大白然的美丽和人生的绚烂,在听众心里唤起奇妙的感觉。那蛙鸣、那彩 .虹……还有那蜿蜒的乡间小路——一幅幅色彩斑斓的图画在歌声中展现。歌者,激情澎湃,难以白已;听者,思绪随歌声飞扬九天,飘往一片神奇的土地,那儿有人类的梦想和希望。阿姆斯特朗似“吉祥鸟”翱翔于白云间,撒下悦耳的音符,传播对这个世界的颂赞,听后余音绕挈三日不散…… 我看着油绿的树木.橙红的玫瑰 它们为你我展现着美丽的彩姿 我不禁心中回荡着:世界是那么的美好 我看着蔚蓝的天空 还有那被祝福的灿烂白天和神圣的黑夜 我不禁心中回荡着:世界是那么的美好 看.天空中的彩虹如此美丽缤纷 路人的脸庞也是如此笑靥如花 我看见朋友们都彼此握手问候:你好吗 他们都在认真地倾诉着:我爱你 我听着婴孩们的哭声,看着他们成长 他们定会学到比我所懂的更丰富 我不禁心中回荡着:世界是那么的美好 是的,心中回荡着:世界是那么的美好 他的歌质朴而深沉,像层次感很强的油画记载了生话的片断。它“质朴”,是因为那是发白心底的声音,没有粉饰,没有雕啄,是感情的真实流露。
感动,是浸润心灵的天簌,是唤醒生命的禅音。懂得感动的人,不会迷失在自我的情怀里,他们的眼界更高,眼光更远,关注得更多。他们是懂得在生活的缝隙里,在命运的跌宕处,寻找阳光、温暖和力量的人。感动是人生最美好的感觉,它是一杯用自我的情感浸泡出来的智慧茶,可以改变自我。 本书精选了22个金曲故事。阅读这些阳光、感人、充满质感的金曲故事,心灵在这一刻,也许只收获了感动;然而,若干年之后,你会因为今天的感动,走出一个完美而成功的人生。
Chapter One RockSee the World in a Different Way——Michael Jackson and His “Earth Song”Longing for the Beloved Son So Faraway—— “Tears in Heaven” from Eric ClaptonLet it Be——The Beatles and Their “Let it be”A Hotel for Hearts Temporary Stay in t~he Life Journey——“Hotel California”Chapter Two JazzThe Eternal King of Jazz——Louis Arrest:rang and His “What a Wonderful World”Singing an Old Cradle Song——“Summer Time”Come Away with Her in the Song——The Fairy of Jazz——Norah Jones and Her “Come Away with Me”Jazz Queen in Tulip Country——Laura Fygi and Her “The Very Best:Time of Year”Chapter Three Rap & BluesA Song That: Wrenches the Heart——Sarah Connor and Her “Just One Last Dance”A Small Battle between Young Ladies “The Boy Is Mine”“Where Is the Love” of Hip Hop——“The Black Fyed Peas”Chapter Four Country and Folk MusicListen to the Falling Rain——“Rhythm of the Rain”Singing While Wolking——“Endless Oountry Road”Listen to “The Sound of Silence” with Our SoulsRice, Rice. I Love you —— Damien RiceChapter Five Pop MusicA Glorious Black Pearl——Whitney Houston and Her “Greatest Love of All”Ive Been to Paradise, but “Ive Never Been to Me”The Legend of Cinderella ——Mariah Carey and Her “Hero”“Unbreak My Heart”——Voice from the Soul of Toni BraxtonChapter Six Electronic and Dance MusicCant Say “Bye, Bye, Bye” to NSync“God Is a Girl”——Do You Believe?“Dancing Queen” from Sweden——The ABBA Band主要参考文献
Nobody can imagine that this song with slow rhythm andbeautiful images appeared in the war movies more than onceand worked wonders. Actually, the original intention to composethis song is to pray for peace and eliminate wars. The song "What a Wonderful World" was once an episodein the film "Good Morning, Vietnam". Even though it was only anepisode, it was good enough to be regarded as the soul of thefilm. In "Good Morning, Vietnam", helicopters of American trooptook off with the song "What a WAonderful World" as a musicbackground. Accompanied by Armstrongs booming but huskyvoice, there appeared some bloody pictures——a troop of youngAmerican soldiers were making a reconnaissance in the forestwith nervous looking on their faces; Vietnamese were shot deadarbitrarily by American soldiers in the streets of Saigon (thecapital of Vietnam). The images in the song formed a strikingcontrast against the bloody pictures in the film. If there were nocountless landmines to remove, if there were no deformedchildren caused by radiation of war rubbish, and if there were nopersons of mixed American and Vietnamese blood who evendidnt know their fathers. this beautiful and gentle countrywould be a truly nice place.