出版时间:2006-1 出版社:安徽科学技术出版社 作者:坎费尔德 页数:351
安徽科学技术出版社从美国独家引进的英文版《心灵鸡汤》系列读物,语言地道新颖,简约易懂,优美流畅;故事生动有趣,寓意深深刻感人,内容极富时代感。 作为英语阅读的顶级精品,本套书深得广大读者的推崇与喜爱,广受各方的赞誉和褒奖: ·被评为“2001年度全国优秀畅销书”; ·被评为“2001年度全国引进版优秀畅销丛书”; ·荣获“2002年度全国引进版社科类优秀图书奖”; ·被评为“2004年度全国引优秀畅销书”; ·在国家九部委联合举办的“中华人民读书书目推荐活动”中,一举入围《2004知识工程推荐书目》; ·多次荣登各大新华书店的畅销书排行榜。
Introduction1. BEING THEREAmandaLove in a BoxJust Between UsI Love You, PilgrimOn the NoseWe Are Dragon-SlayersUnderstanding DadThe Camping TripOutstretched ArmsSour PickleRun for GoldLove’s Larnce2. A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVESafe Harbors and Sailing ShipsDaddy’s DanceThe AdventureFired from the Peanut PatchMan of Few WordsRetirement PlanFather Meets CatThe ArtistFinding Lost LoveA Father’s Gift from a DaughterDirt CheapMy Father’s HandsThe Obituary3. LIFE LESSONSThe Great Candy Bar Debate"Yes, Daddy, I Promise"The LessonHow to Trust, Dad-StyleOf Wings and StringsJust a Walk in the ParkThe Fifty-Cent Sewing MachineLessons from a TeenagerHidden WingsQuestionsBullfrogs, Butterflies and DadsWhat I Learned at the Outhouse Races4. SPECIAL MOMENTSThe Dad He Planned to BeDad’s Right HandTrust MePapa’s Gift to KelseyHumor MeBaseball Game PlanWho Giveth?Long-Distance VitaminsThe Best "Father-Daughter Date" Ever!I’m Confessin’ That I Love YouFather of FortuneDaddy’s Little TomboyFather’s SecretTwo Fathers and a BrideRoadside Rescue5. ON GRATITUDEFather ChristmasSolemn ImagesSpelling L-O-V-EThe Painted TractorEthylMemorial Day FlagsStruggle and CelebrationA Decent Thing to Do6. FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABESShe Calls Me DaddyAnna’s First Cubs GameOwed to JoyBe Slow to AnchorMoonshineA Forkful of HumorThe Price of a ChildBlack and WhiteDear Daddy7. ON HEALINGTearing Down the WallAdvice from a TreeTaken for GrantedLetter to a StrangerThe HaircutPeelaFather Knows BestA Piece of ChalkUnpaved RoadsApology to a ChildI Want My Daddy BackDaddy’s StoryTime to ForgiveCloser and ClosureSecret Tears8. TRADmONSSmeared InkAcross the PondChristmas in a NutshellSlow-DanceEat Dessert FirstMy Father’s ChairDonutsWedding Day9. ACROSS GENERATIONSApa’s Motto in LifePunch LinesLike Riding a BikeReel EventConnected by LoveCash RewardsThat Dang HorseIn My Dad’s BootsDaddy’s GiftAcknowledgments