
出版时间:2001-11-1  出版社:安徽科学技术出版社  作者:Jack Canfield  页数:232  


  Love is the most powerful,magical force in the universe,and there isnowhere it displays its beauty and wonder more than in the intimate relation.ship between two people.We wrote Chicken Soup for the Couples Soul hopingto capture that mystery and wonder in words,words that will deeply touch andopen your heart if you have ever been in love,or hope to be in love.This is abook for husbands and wives and lovers and anyone who dreams of findingtheir soul’S true mate.  Some loves between two people endure a lifetime.Othem are destined toonly last for a while;then,the two lovers are separated,either by choice or byfate.But one thing is true:No matter what the outcome of a relationship,whenlove enters our lives,it never leaves without transforming US at the very depthof our being.  Each story in this book was written by someone who has been transformedby love.We were transformed when we read these stories,and our wish is thatyou will be,too.Perhaps some of the stories will help you renew the bond oftrust and intimacy in your relationship,or better understand your partner;perhaps others will help you appreciate all of the ways love has enabled you togrow into a better human being;and still other stories will remind and reassureyou that although love challenges and blesses each of US in unique ways,youare never alone in what you go through.


每个人的人生道路不可能都是一帆风顺的,都会有困惑彷徨、失意痛苦的时候。说得更直接一点儿就是,从我们每个人出生的那一天开始,就注定了要背负起经历各种困难折磨的命运。每当我们困惑、失意的时候,心灵就要承受着巨大的压力与打击。     本书系“心灵鸡汤”之《花样年华》,书中收录了一些清新隽永的小故事,这些故事经典耐读,流传广泛。当你心烦意乱、困惑彷徨的时候,请打开这本书,相信你会得到最及时的指点、最细心的呵护。


Introduction1. ON LOVE  A Gift for Robby  A Dance with Dad  A Miracle of Love  A Dream Come True  The Christmas Star  My Dad,Charlie and Me  My Dad  A Happy-Ever-After  Holding On  Love in Action2. ON ATTITUDE  The True Spirit of Christmas  Veronica's Babies  Seeing with the Heart  A Jelly Bean for Halloween  Unexpected Angels  Beauty Contest  The Scar  Old People3. LIVE YOUR DREAMS  There She Is, Miss America  Born to Sing  You Can Do It!  No Mistake  Police Woman  Late for School  Color My World  He Taught Me to Fly4. ON MARRIAGE  The Real Thing  The Locket  The Dowry  Going the Right Way  I'll Never Understand My Wife  The Last"I Love You"  Loving Donna  History and Chemistry  True Intimacy  Encounter with a God  Holding Hands5, ON MOTHERHOOD  Second Skin  Ron  Parental Justice  Ry  Snowballs and Lilacs  The Little Princess  When Did She Really Grow Up?  Children on Loan6. MAKING A DIFFERENCE  Virtues  It's Really Christmas Now  I Did My Best  A Reason to Live  The Night I Wrote My Pulitzer Prize Winner  A Perfect Pot of Tea7. OVERCOMING OBSTACLES  Lunch with Helen Keller  One Kid at a Time  Low-Fat and Happy  Graduation Message  Our Christmas Boy  Judy's Birthday  The Special Olympics  The Classified Ad  The Mop Angel  Grandma Is on Her Feet Again8. SPECIAL MOMENTS  The Department Store Santa  Halloween Angels  Lucky Pennies  Let Our Requests Be Known  Christmas in the Silver Egg  A Coke and a Smile  Enduring Labor  The Smile Behind the Tear  The Not-So-White Christmas Gift9. MIRACLES  Take My Hand  Love Can Last Forever  Highway Hero  Plenty of Sunsets  Morn,Can you Pull Some Strings?  Never, Never Give Up  The Baby Blanket10. ACROSS THE GENERATIONS  Stories on a Headboard  Mother's Hands  Every Woman Needs a Champion  The Trellis  A Final Letter to a Father  A Penny Saved  Emma's Bouquets  Between the Lines  Bean Talk  A Legacy in a Soup Pot


  One day, while walking with the girls, I stopped in at a local pizzeria to find outif I could get a cup of water for the baby. And then I saw him——muscular, handsomeand Italian. He was the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on! I knew that Ilooked terrible, but still, he gave us a friendly smile. I asked him if we could havesome water, and he said to have a seat while he got it.  He brought over the water and started talking about how hard it was to raise afamily in this city. He left for a moment to answer the phone, and when he cameback, he brought a lot of food with him. More food than I had seen in the wholemonth! I was so embarrassed. I told him that I didnt have any money to pay for it."Its on the house, "he said. "Only pretty ladies like you get this kind of treatmentthough."l thought he must be crazy!  We sat there for a while, making small talk. Then, he began asking questionsthat made me nervous. "Howd you get all those bruises on your face? Why dontyou have a coat on?"Things like that. I answered as calmly as I could. He listenedthoughtfully. Then, he wrapped up the food and put it in the pocket of the stroller. Iwashed the girls up in the washroom, and I tried to clean myself up a little bit. Ilooked awful. We were not dirty though, just disheveled. On the way out, wethanked him and he said to come back anytime we wanted. I didnt want to wear outour welcome though. Winter was coming fast, and I either had to come up with asolution about a job, or figure out how I could get to Georgia to be with family. Weleft and started looking for a place to sleep for the night.  A little while later, as we wandered aimlessly, the baby spit up. I had seen theman put some napkins in with the food, and when I went to look for" one, I foundnine dollars folded up in a little wad. Maybe he acc/denta//y put the money/n therewhen he gave me the food, I thought. But I knew I couldnt accept it. So I turnedaround and started back to the restaurant.  There he was again. I told him that I had found this money, and I wanted to re-turn it. "1 put it there on purpose, "he said kindly. "Im sorry I didnt have more onme."  Why was he doing this? An angel. That was my first thought. All I could do wasto stammer another embarrassed thank-you. "Bring the girls in tomorrow for lunch,"he responded. I was stumped ! Why was he being so nice to us? But with no otherhope, I agreed, said good-bye, and we started out again.  About halfway down the street, I could feel that we were being followed. Itmade me nervous because I had two children to protect. Quickly, I ducked into analley with the kids and tded to keep the baby quiet. She wanted to make noisethough, and there was no hushing her. I felt someone approaching and held mybreath.


  它不仅仅是心灵的鸡汤,在我看来,对于青年人来说,它甚至不亚于一场色香味俱全的人生盛宴:并非是饕餮的口腹之乐,而是滋补你精神饥渴的佳肴与美酿。让你畅饮人生!畅饮知识!畅饮爱心与大爱之情! 如今为了一次演讲,我在江南的霏霏梅雨中吟读它,蓦然回想起昔日在纽约洛克菲勒广场旋旗扬升的早晨,那一抹金晖中,我走出曼哈顿一家书店时,无意中向橱窗一瞥:曾经看到过它多彩的封面。同行的美国教授对我说:“您可能不会看那本小书,不过它的确不错。” 我后悔当初没有返回那家书店找到这本书,希望大家不要犯我当年的错误。  ——北京大学东方文学研究中心特聘教授 方江文  现代人的生活节奏快,压力大,普通百姓又没有时间去看大部头的书籍,《心灵鸡汤》可以给你一份温情,让你在酷暑感到凉爽,在寒冬享受温暖,在春天播下爱的种子,在秋天收获勤奋的果实。我爱《心灵鸡汤》,像爱厨房里新端出的一盘青菜,餐桌上新烧出的一盆老豆腐。愿把《心灵鸡汤》奉献给你的家庭,换来孩子的健康成长,老人的欢声笑语。  ——南开大学教授 王宏印  《心灵鸡汤》弘扬“真善美”,以“醒心”为己任。书中叙述的一段段人生经历能感动你,催你潸然泪下,因为那些事就发生在你身边,与你息息相关……失恋的人读之能重振对生活的信心,遭受病痛之苦的人读之似服灵丹妙药,孤独的人读之如沐“关怀”的春雨,丧失亲人者读之会感受到来白四面八方的慰藉……它是一扇窗户,让你了解世界:它是一座桥梁,连接你我他……  ——苏州大学外国语学院教授 方华文  《心灵鸡汤》之所以能拨动人的心弦,是因为书中的话语全来自灵魂深处,是“肺腑之言”!人与人之间的隔阂与冷漠必须靠这种“真情”打破和消除——如此,人世间便会温情涌动、冰山消融……读了书中动人的故事,凡是有良知的人,其内心不可能不受到触动——《心灵鸡汤》之功大矣!  ——商务印书馆《英语世界》主编 魏令查






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