
出版时间:2000-1-1  出版社:安徽科学技术出版社  作者:杜效明  


Unit 1  Asking the way 
Unit 2 What''s the problem?
Unit 3 Do you want any help?
Unit 4 Expressing opinions
Unit 5 Would you like to join us?
Unit 6 Can I take a message for you?
Unit 7 Practice makes perfect
Unit 8 Asking for advice
Unit 9 Hometown
Unit 10 Will this be cash or charge?
Unit 11 Borrowing books
Unit 12 Do you have any questions about the lease?
Unit 13 In a hotel
Unit 14 What would you like to do?
Unit 15 The time to say good―bye
Unit 16 Good wishes
Unit 17 What did he look like?
Unit 18 The moon
Unit 19 Talking about weather
Unit 20 Going out for a dinner party
Unit 21 I won''t be late again
Unit 22 Making a phone call
Key to the Practice and Exercise



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