
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:安徽科学技术出版社  作者:梁遇清 编  页数:241  字数:367000  




14.Medical English(1)  Unit 26 Vitamins  Unit 27 Chemotherapeutic Substances  Unit 28 Laboratory Aspects of Lung Cancer  Unit 29 A "Bad Cold"  Unit 30 Renal Function Tests15.Oral Parctice(5)  Dialogue 11 Visiting the Sick Classmate  Dialogue 12 At the Dental Clinic  Dialogue 13 Student Health Service  Dialogue 14 In the Pharmacy  Dialogue 15 The Patient First16.Practical Writing(5)  Medical Reports17.Medical English(2)  Unit 31 Examining and I11 Child  Unit 32 Music's Surprising Power to Heal  Unit 33 The Red Cross  Unit 34 History of Blood Transfusions  Unit 35 A Father's Letter to a New Intern18.Oral Practice(6)  Dialogue 16 In the Nurses' office  Dialogue 17 The Lab Results  Dialogue 18 Appendicitis  Dialogue 19 Stomach Trouble  Dialogue 20 Chest Trouble  Dialogue 21 Hypertension19.Practical Writing(6)  Paper's Title and Abstract Writing20.Medical English(3)  Unit 36 Diagnostic Radiation and Its Dose  Unit 37 Biological Effects of Radiation  Unit 38 Technique for Recording a Good ECG  Unit 39 The Discoverer of X-rays  Unit 40 Dark-Room Technique21.Oral Practice(7)  Dialogue 22 Bleeding of the Womb  Dialogue 23 Coma-Extradural Hemorrhage  Dialogue 24 Fracture  Dialogue 25 Taking a Film  Dialogue 26 The Barium Meal Examination  Dialogue 27 In the X-ray Room22.Practical Writing(7)  Medical Intruments    A.X-ray Diagnostic Unit    B.X-ray Film CassettesVocabulary



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