出版时间:2011-1 出版社:时代出版传媒股份有限公司,安徽教育出版社 作者:贺献平 编 页数:60
1.高考英语听力指导一、高考听力题的命题模式分析二、高考听力训练策略2.高考英语模拟测试题Model Test 1Model Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Model Test 5Model Test 6Model Test 7Model Test 8Model Test 9Model Test 10Model Test 11Model Test 12Model Test 13Model Test 14Model Test 15Model Test 16参考答案与录音文字材料
Hello, my name is John Williams. I aman English teacher and I have started a websiteto help you improve English listening andspeaking skills as quickly as possible. My on-line English lessons take just five to ten mi-nutes each day to complete and there are noadvertisements to take your attention away.You can also download the sound files to yourcomputer and access them and take your les-sons again any time. I've designed the onlineEnglish course to be a very easy, cheap andquick way to improve your English speaking,listening and conversation skills and also to im-prove your listening scores in English exams.Every day you'll learn some new English vo-cabulary, idioms and phrasal verbs. Andyou'll also learn correct English pronunciation. ……