出版时间:2011-6 出版社:山东科学技术出版社 作者:张翠波,张琳琳 主编 页数:257 字数:345000
本书具有以下特点: 1.内容全面:本书汇集了12套历年真题,便于考生全面系统地把握历年试题的动态变化,熟悉出题规律,掌握复习重点,从而开阔解题思路,增强答题技巧,提高应试能力; 2.解析到位:在编写过程中,编者始终从广大考生的角度来策划解题思路和组织答案解析。对于那些可以轻松解答的题目,本书从简处之;对于那些颇费脑筋的题目,则力求详尽,提供由表及里的透析,从而帮助考生吃透题目;通过综合、灵活运用相关知识和思维能力的训练,使得备考过程更加有针对性; 3.技巧实用:本书所有解析与技巧均由资深人士认真讨论、细致分析而成,逐步帮助考生掌握“锁定答案最准、做题时间最短”的应答技巧和策略,还能指引考生培养答题思路,做到举一反三,触类旁通; 4.总结完整:除对每道试题给出答案和解析外,本书编者还特意为广大考生精心提炼了真题中影响答题的相关词汇和短语,归纳了常用句型,以便考生进一步巩固相关知识,并根据自身情况进一步确定学习重点。 “知己知彼,百战不殆”,拥有了这样一本内容完整、编排合理、解析透彻、总结到位的真题详解,必将帮助广大考生真正了解、消化和掌握历年真题;本书不仅可以使考生明确学习方向、重点,真正做到胸有成竹、事半功倍的复习,也将为其考试取得高分打下坚实的基础;本书不仅是一本真题解析书,而且也可充当BEC中级考生的自学读本,相信这对广大考生提高英语水平会大有裨益。
第一辑 真题详解 Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking第三辑 真题详解 Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking第四辑 真题详解 Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking
A: I think the staff magazine should be published four times a year and contains news and fea-tures about events in the company and the achievements of staff. B: I dont think so. A monthly publication of news, analysis, opinions, interviews, competi-tions and feedback would be better, which can cover a wide range of topics, of interest tostaff. C: I prefer the monthly. The magazine is an easy and convenient way of keeping up-to-speedwith everything thats going on in the company. In addition, staff magazine is designed tocreate a corporate culture that can connect all people in. So, the more, the better. A: OK, maybe youre right. Staff magazine should involve everyone and everything in thecompany. A rich, prompt and diverse coverage satisfies all needs and expectations. By theway, what could be the target audience of the magazine? B: Since every issue is designed to give staff a better understanding of our business, to shareknowledge and experiences, to provide interest and entertainment and to show readerswhy the company is a good place to work, the magazine should be oriented to all the staffmembers. C: You can target the staff magazine to different groups, for individual departments may wanttheir own version of the magazine. Moreover, staff should be encouraged to become in-volved in producing the magazine and building a sense of community and engagement. A: An employee magazine, urn, sounds nice. And printed staff magazines can be out of datebefore staff even read them; so what about e-magazine, which allows content to be aliveand up to date? B: Good idea! Then staff can get information across in an engaging and visual way. Down-loading and uploading old and new issues are really easy through the Internet and Intranet.Anyone can easily submit their articles or update in the relevant section of the staff maga-zine. C: So many ways to improve the magazine and the staff magazine is such a great commitmentto help staff to communicate better, and be better informed. Even the clients can get usefulinformation and grasp business opportunities from the staff magazine.
12套真题叠面解析:规律总结+技巧点拨,定义真题备考“星”标准,2套高仿真预测试卷:预测试题+精准答案,实现备考装备“星”升级首次独家附赠BEC机考高仿真模拟软件。 《BEC高分快训:真题详解+全真预测(中级)》特色: 12套真题详解 ·内容全面:12套历年真题,便于考牛熟悉试题特点,明确复习重点 ·解析到位:试题精析,提供答题思路点拨,深层次挖掘真题的使用价值 ·技巧实用:资深专家精心提炼实用答题技巧,如师在侧,备考事半功倍 ·总结完整:难词、难句一网打尽,提高复习效率,全而提高英语水平 2套全真预测 ·高仿试题:完全按照真题体例及出题难度编排,引领备考完美升级 ·答案精析:提供精准答案及解题思路,提高应试能力及语言水平 ·听力原文:严格按照考试时间安排,便于考生熟悉和体会考试模式
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