新课标 英语阶梯阅读丛书(全十册)

出版时间:2010-4  出版社:山东教育  作者:沃茨|译者:何庆友  译者:何庆友 注解  


随着物质生活水平的日益提高,人们对生活质量也愈加关注。铺天盖地的各类健身广告既给人们提供了便利,又让人们陷入了迷惘:是笃信广告的宣传,还是保持冷静的头脑?是图一时之快,还是想永葆健康?你知道哪些运动适合你吗?你知道身体在运动时有哪些秘密吗?请阅读本书!    这是一本关于健康的小册子。作者通过介绍疾病、健康、运动、饮食和休息等各个方面的有关知识以及它们之间的相互联系,强调了健康的重要性。有规律的运动和合理的膳食是保持健康、保持精力充沛的两个基本要素。A—Z是指与健康有关的各个名词:从有氧运动(aerobic exercise)到精力(energy)、生活方式(lifestyle)再到维他命(vitamins)……作者详细阐述了每个名词与人体健康之间的关系,并告诉你长久保持健康的秘诀。




插图:One way to explore the universe is by looking atdistant galaxies through telescopes. Even simpletelescopes can help us see stars that are millions oflight-years away. Finding planets, however, is muchmore difficult. Planets and moons give out no light oftheir own. They do reflect some light from theirnearby star, but this light is swamped1 by the light ofthe star. Stars shine about a billion times brighter thanplanets.Although no one has ever seen a planet outside oursolar system, we do know they exist. To detect planets,scientists have to study the effects planets have on thestars they orbit. The presence of a planet can make astar wobble2 slightly. The wobble is produced by theforce of gravity between the star and the planet as theplanet orbits the star. Using the most powerfultelescopes, scientists can tell when a star is wobbling.Since 1996, many planets have been discoveredusing this method. Unfortunately, only very largeplanets can be detected this way. One recentlydiscovered planet is 11 times the size of Jupiter. Jupiteris the largest planet in our solar system. It is about1,319 times bigger than Earth.Scientists don't think there is much hope of findinglife on very large planets. Life, as we know it, seems tobe best suited to planets that are neither too big nortoo small. Any planets they find by detecting wobblingstars probably won't be hospitable to life.





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