
出版时间:2013-7-10  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:廖锡震  




1 A Hard Nut to Crack 难以对付
2 Read between the Lines 弦外之音
3 Saved by the Bell 关键时刻得以解围
4 Put Up with 忍受
5 Play Possum 装糊涂
6 The Salt of the Earth 最高尚的人
7 Go Dutch A A 制
8 Ants in One's Pants 热锅上的蚂蚁
9 Apple Polisher 马屁精
10 An Apple of Discord 不和之因
11 Know the Ropes 了如指掌
12 Bite the Bullet 忍辱负重
13 Worth One's Salt 称职
14 Give Someone the Axe 炒鱿鱼
15 Kill the Fatted Calf 热情款待
16 Pass the Buck 推卸责任
17 Land on One's Feet 逢凶化吉
18 The Lion's Share 最大份额
19 Throw in the Towel 承认失败
20 Plain Sailing 一帆风顺
21 Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭
22 Cordelia's Gift 真诚的声音
23 Through the Grapevine 小道消息
24 Campus Belle and School Hunk 校花校草
25 My Cup of Tea 我的心上人
26 Love Is Blind 情人眼里出西施
27 A Shotgun Marriage 奉子成婚
28 Cupboard Love 别有所图的爱
29 A Bed of Roses 安乐窝
30 An Old Flame 昔日恋人
31 Be a Jason 薄情郎
32 As Shy as Daphne 羞羞答答的人
33 Sow One's Wild Oats 放荡不羁
34 Don Juan 浪荡子
35 Like an Apollo 美男子
36 Web of Penelope 贞女的织物——拖延战术
37 Love Apple 爱情苹果
38 The Third Wheel 电灯泡——多余的人
39 Rain Cats and Dogs 倾盆大雨
40 The Apple of One's Eye 掌上明珠
41 Have Butterflies in One's Stomach 精神紧张
42 Start from Scratch 从头开始
43 The Pot Calling the Kettle Black 五十步笑百步
44 Diamond Cut Diamond 棋逢对手
45 Be No Great Shakes 水平一般
46 A Man Friday 忠实仆人
47 Annie Oakley 免费入场
48 Keep Up with the Joneses 与人攀比
49 Bell the Cat 铤而走险
50 Sleep Tight 睡个好觉
51 Apple of Sodom 金玉其外,败絮其中
52 A Wet Blanket 扫兴的人
53 The Trojan Horse 特洛伊木马
54 Attic Salt 优雅的俏皮话
55 As Pleased as Punch 非常开心
56 Have Someone Over a Barrel 完全控制
57 Once in a Blue Moon 千载难逢
58 Leave No Stone Unturned 想方设法
59 Cut and Run 赶快逃走
60 Get Out of Bed on the Wrong Side 情绪不佳
61 Above the Salt 请上坐
62 Change like Proteus 千变万化
63 Earn Money Hand over Fist 快速赚钱
64 A Freedom of Pan 逍遥自在
65 Three Sheets in the Wind 酩酊大醉
66 Pay through the Nose 高价买入
67 The Writing on the Wall 不祥之兆
68 Eat Humble Pie 认错道歉
附录: 英语成语索引




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