
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:保罗·艾迪生 (PAUL ADDISON)、朱亚军、 邓志勇 上海译文出版社 (2008-07出版)  作者:(英) (艾迪生Addison) (P.) 著  页数:137  译者:邓志勇  




  阅读是一种猎取,通过阅读,人们可猎取到不可或缺的精神食粮。有了它,人才会健康成长;阅读是一种咀嚼,通过阅读,人们可咀嚼隐匿于文字中的苦辣酸甜。有了它,人才能学会坚强;阅读是一种倾听,通过阅读,人们可倾听到亘古至今的不同声音。有了它,人才不会迷失方向;阅读是一种欣赏,通过阅读,人们可欣赏到前所未见的旖旎风光。有了它,人的生活才会充满阳光……  英语阅读除具有上述功效外,还有独特的一面,那就是强化语言基础、提升英语水平。然而,在浩若烟海的英语阅读材料中,有哪些适合你或是你的首选呢?恐怕不同的人依据不同的需求会有不同的回答。不过,有一点是共同的,即每位读者都会选择自认为好的英语阅读材料。那么,何谓好的英语阅读材料呢?我们认为,就一般情况而言,好的英语阅读材料应具备以下特点:  广博性  广博性决定了阅读者获取的知识量。换言之,没有广博的语料,人们就无法获取广博的知识。因此,英语阅读材料应尽量涉及多种话题,涵盖各方面知识。  权威性  权威性有两层含义:一是信息准确,有证可查,有史可考,绝非道听途说;二是语言地道,原汁原味,读者能充分享受到“原生态”阅读的乐趣。  简明性  简明性首先体现在语料方面,内容要简明,取舍得当,真正将有意义的一面充分展示给读者。其次,语言表达要简明,做到言简意赅,无拖泥带水之嫌。  趣味性  趣味性是语言使用的最高境界,它能使阅读文本生动、有趣,令人爱不释卷、百看不厌。趣味性带给读者的是阅读享受,如同在明媚的春光里呼吸清新空气。  有鉴于此,并经大量市场调研,上海译文出版社与牛津大学出版社联袂推出了“牛津名人传记丛书”,从莎士比亚到丘吉尔,从达尔文到牛顿,囊括了英国历史上最重要、最具影响力的非凡人物,可谓群星璀璨。  我们相信,该套丛书的推出是广大英语学习者的福音,是广大文学爱好者的福音,是广大史学研究者的福音,更是广大中学生、大学生的福音。该套丛书带给读者朋友的不仅是精准的知识点和多彩的文化点,更有数不清的意外惊喜!






Youthful adventures1Sir WJinslon Leonard Spencer Churchill(1874-1965), prime minister, was born at Blenheim Palace,Oxfordshire, the family home of the dukes of Marlbor-ough, on 30 November 5874. His father, Lord RandolphHenry Spencer Churchill 0849-1895), was the third sonof the seventh duke and a descendant of John Churchill,first duke of Marlborough, Queen Anne's commander-in-chief during the War of the Spanish SuccessionS. His mother,Jeanette (Jennie) Churchill (1854-1921), was the daughterof Leonard Jerome, a New York financier whose ancestorshad fought against the British in the American War of Inde-pendence. According to a Jerome family tradition acceptedby Churchill himself, Jennie's mother, Clara, was of Iroquoisdescent, but proof is lacking.Sehooldays: flouting the rulesJennie and Lord Randolph were married at the Britishembassy in Paris on 15 April 1874. Winston Churchill's dateof birth has given rise to speculation that he was conceived before the wedding, but the only certainty is that he wasborn prematurely. Preparations were made for the birth totake place in London, but after slipping and falling duringa visit to Blenheim Jennie went into labour, the local doctorwas summoned, and the baby was delivered at 1.30 a.m. on30 November.When the seventh duke was appointed viceroy of Ireland inJanuary 1877, the Churchills moved to Dublin. Winston wasaccompanied by his nanny, Mrs Elizabeth Everest, who tookhim for walks in Phoenix Park and warned him against agroup of evil men known as Fenians. Shortly after the birthof his brother John Strange Spencer (Jack) Churchill (1880-1947) in February 1880, the family returned to London,where Winston began to build up an impressive collectionof toy soldiers in the nursery. At eight he was sent to aboarding-school at Ascot where the headmaster took a plea-sure in flogging the boys until their bottoms ran with blood.Winston performed well in some subiecta but his reportsoften referred to his unruly behaviour. According to oneauthority, he was birched for stealing sugar from the pantryand retaliated  by kicking the headmaster's straw hat topieces (Churchill and Gilbert, 1.55). When he fell ill hisparents transferred him to a school at Brighton where hewas much happier but came bottom of the class for conduct.Neither of Churchill's parents lacked affection for Winston,but they gave him little attention and he felt profoundlyneglected. Lord Randolph's short and troubled life wasdevoted mainly to politics:Winston could recall only twoor three long and intimate conversations with him. LadyRandolph, meanwhile, revelled in high society.She shone.






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  •   实用的小工具,大人小孩都可以学习。

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