出版时间:2008-7 出版社:彼得·霍兰 (Peter Hollond)、朱亚军、 范祥涛 上海译文出版社 (2008-07出版) 作者:彼得·霍兰 (Peter Hollond) 朱亚军,范祥涛 页数:147 译者:范祥涛
Background, early life,and marriageIV illiam Shakespeare (1564-1616),playwright and poet, was baptized, probably by the parishpriest, John Bretchgirdle, in Holy Trinity, the parish churchof Stratford upon Avon, on 26 April 1564, the third childof John Shakespeare (d.1601,) and Mary Arden (d. 1608). Itseems appropriate that the first of many gaps in the records ofShakespeare's life should be the exact date of his birth, thoughthat is a common problem for the period. He was probablyborn on 21, 22, or 23 April 1564, given the 1559 prayer book'sinstructions to parents on the subject of baptisms. But, eversince Joseph Greene, an eighteenth-century Stratford curate,informed the scholar George Steevens that Shakespeare wasborn on 23 April, with no apparent evidence for his asser-tion, and Steevens adopted that date in his 1773 edition ofShakespeare, it has been usual to assume that Shakespearewas born on St George's day, so that England's patron saintand the birth of the 'national poet' can be celebrated on thesame day. Where he was born is dearer: in 1564 his parentsappear to have been living in Henley Street, probably in partof the building now known as Shakespeare's Birthplace but,equally probably, not in that part of the building in which the room traditionally known as the place of Shakespeare'sbirth is located. The accretion of myth and commerce aroundShakespeare's biography and its material legacy produces suchparadoxes.Shakespeare's familyRichard Shakespeare, a husbandman and probably John'sfather, had settled in Snitterfield near Stratford by 1529 and haddied by February 1561, leaving property that he rented fromRobert Arden of Wilmcote. Robert Arden was a member ofthe younger branch of the powerful Arden family; his father,Thomas Arden, lived at Wilmcote and passed lands, probablyquite extensive, to his son. Robert married twice: with his firstwile, Agnes Mill, nee Webbe, he had at least eight children, allgirls, the youngest of whom was Mary; there appear to havebeen no children from the second marriage, though there werestepchildren.The two families, Ardens and Shakespeares, were linked byRichard Shakespeare's tenancy from Robert Arden. But JohnShakespeare (bAn or before 1530, d. 1601) did not continue hisfather's occupation. By the time he married Mary Arden (sometime between November 1556 and 1558), he had establishedhimself in Stratford as a glover and whittawer (a dresser oflight coloured leather). He lived in Henley Street, buying ahouse and garden there in 1556 and starting to buy furtherproperty in town. In this he might well have been helped byhis wife's inheritance: in Robert Arden's will of November 1556she was named one of the two executors and supervised thesubstantial inventory of his goods and moveables in December1556 after his death. She also inherited the valuable estate in.