
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:赵光旭  页数:239  




前言IntroductionChapter 1 Incarnation as a Means of Communication between Man and Nature1.1 Nature as the Basis of Incarnation1.2 From Schelling to Kant1.3 The Middle Way of Anglicanism1.4 Wordsworth the Poet as a Philosopher and as a ProphetChapter 2 Wordsworths Wise Passiveness and Modern Dialectic Imagination2.1 From Classical Imagination to Dialectical Imagination2.2 Wordsworths Idea about Fancy and Imagination2.3 Life Existing in Thing2.4 Wordsworths Wise PassivenessChapter 3 "Spots of Time" as a Bridge Connecting the Past, the Present and the Future3.1 Time of Writing and Time of Incidents Existing in the" Spots of Time"3.2 "Spots of Time" : from Memory to Epiphany3.3 "Spots of Time" with the Weight of Ages3.4 "Spots of Time" of Supernaturalism3.5 Complexities of "Spots of Time"Chapter 4 Incarnation and the Wavering Balance of Mind4.1 Grammar outside of the Text4.2 Incarnation by Means of Dialogue4.3 "Gift Giving" as a Means to Make the Poem Endless4.4 Incarnation of The Prelude from the Point of View of Hegels LogicChapter 5 Language as the Incarnation of Thought5.1 Medieval Scholastic Incarnation and Modem Hermeneutic Linguistic Ontology5.2 The Organic Unity of Language and Thought5.3 Life and Death of Words5.4 Wordsworths Incarnation in the Romantic ContextConclusionReferences中文参考书目



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