
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:重点中学高考强力突破系列编写组,“重点中学高考强力突破系列”  页数:175  


  英语新课程标准中对中学英语的词汇量、阅读量均有很高的要求。近几年来,在英语高考中阅读理解与完形填空的难度、篇幅都在逐年增加。  为了配合现行高中英语教学大纲,培养学生的阅读能力,巩固并扩大他们的词汇量,丰富其语言知识,提高其综合语言技能,使他们顺利通过高考,根据上海市教育考试院编制的英语学科考试大纲和高考对阅读理解与完形填空的要求及命题趋势,我们特编写了《高考英语阅读理解与完形填空突破捷径》一书。  本书所选的文章体裁多样、风格迥异,有科普类、广告类、史地类、文化类、新闻报道类、故事类、哲理小品类和轶闻趣事类等,许多文章具有很强的时代感。  本书的作者均系上海市重点中学英语高级教师,具有丰富的教学和高考辅导经验。因此,本书对参加英语高考者来说具有很强的实用性和指导性。


  英语新课程标准中对中学英语的词汇量、阅读量均有很高的要求。近几年来,在英语高考中阅读理解与完形填空的难度、篇幅都在逐年增加。为了配合现行高中英语教学大纲,培养学生的阅读能力,巩固并扩大他们的词汇量,丰富其语言知识,提高其综合语言技能,使他们顺利通过高考,根据上海市教育考试院编制的英语学科考试大纲和高考对阅读理解与完形填空的要求及命题趋势,我们特编写了《高考英语阅读理解与完形填空突破捷径》一书。  《高考英语阅读理解与完形填空突破捷径(修订版)》所选的文章体裁多样、风格迥异,有科普类、广告类、史地类、文化类、新闻报道类、故事类、哲理小品类和轶闻趣事类等,许多文章具有很强的时代感。  《高考英语阅读理解与完形填空突破捷径(修订版)》的作者均系上海市重点中学英语高级教师,具有丰富的教学和高考辅导经验。因此,《高考英语阅读理解与完形填空突破捷径(修订版)》对参加英语高考者来说具有很强的实用性和指导性。


第一部分 阅读理解试题的复习与应试技巧第二部分 阅读理解试题评析第三部分 阅读理解训练100篇Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19Unit 20第四部分 完形填空试题的复习与应试技巧第五部分 完形填空试题评析第六部分 完形填空训练40篇Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19Unit 20附参考答案


  The scientific name of the American grizzly bear is Ursus horribilis. Horribilis is the right wordto describe this bear. The grizzly is a fearsome beast.  The strongest and most cunning grizzly that ever lived roamed the Rocky Mountains in the late1800s. He weighed nearly two tons. And he was seven feet long from tip of nose to tip of tail. Thisgiant bear was called Old Clubfoot. He earned his name when he lost three claws from one paw in anescape from a bear trap. After that, he was never caught by a trap again.  Hundreds of hunters tried to kill Old Clubfoot. But for nearly thirty years he roamed free. Hefeared nothing. It is said that Old Clubfoot killed whole pens of sheep. He crushed horses spineswith his strong jaws.  What Old Clubfoot could not kill,he would outwit. Again and again he escaped from groups ofskilled hunters. Once he led seven hunters through snow-covered mountains for more than a week.Then he left his pursuers behind. They found they were more than 150 miles from home.  Once a hunter made what he thought was a foolproof .bear trap. He fastened a heavy rifle to atree. Then he hung a piece of raw meat from a cord tied to the trigger. The hunter was sure that OldClubfoot would tug at the bait. Then the rifle would fire and kill him. But Old Clubfoot proved hiscunning once more. He came up from behind and pushed aside the muzzle of the rifle. Then he tookthe bait. The rifle fired into the air insteadof at the bear.  Many men have told stories of Old Clubfoots courage. A shepherd once watched from the safetyof a hillside as the bear stalked a herd of cattle in a meadow below. He saw Old ClUbfoot choose acalf and fell it with one blow. The calls mother tried to rake Old Clubfoot with.horhoms,. But thebear killed her, too. Then the herd bull charged. He lifted Old Clubfoot onto his horns,and hurledhim into the scrub. With a roar of rage, the grizzly came out of the brush. He rose on his hind legsand met the mad bull head on as he charged again. Old Clubfoot wrenched the bulls head to theside. Then he broke the bulls spine with one crunch of his jaws.



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