
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:(美)鲍威尔\|译者  页数:74  


  《新商务英语教学指南》继在英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、墨西哥、西班牙等国出版之后,如今又迅速登陆中国。这是中国出版界的佳音,更是中国商务英语界的喜讯。顾名思义,《新商务英语教学指南》有两层意义:一是“商务英语”;二是“新”。  前者明确了该套书的使用范围,是指应用于特定商业环境中的英语。同时,也明确了该套书的适用对象,以英语为交际语的商务人士,或欲尽快提高商务英语水平的有志之士;后者“新”的内涵颇为丰富,也是该套书的显著特点。“新”既指最新的商务英语词汇和商务英语文本,又指最新的商务领域和商务话题,从职业设计到企业家,从品牌大战到网上交易,从兼并浪潮到商业环境,从公共关系到商务文化等等,话题鲜活,无所不包,均是全新的。  《新商务英语教学指南》的“新”还体现在该套书的设计理念上,即“以人为本,读者至上”。从内容架构上,15个话题串起15个单元,既单元独立,又章章相连,环环相扣,由表及里,由浅入深。学习者可从头至尾,系统学习。亦可根据个人兴趣所需,有选择地进行;从形式安排上,一切为使用者着想,以教程为主线,辅之以强化训练、教学指南、视听材料等。从听、说、读、写、看等多角度强化商务英语学习,展示商务英语学习的乐趣,从而达到寓教于乐,寓学于乐,提高商务英语水平,提升商务英语交际能力的目的。


A Typical Topic UnitUnit-By-Unit Teaching NotesUnit I Career ManagementUnit 2 EnterpriseUnit 3 E-businessMeeting SkillsUnit 4 Brand Management:Unit 5 Prices and CommoditiesUnit 6 Corporate EntertainingTelephoning SkillsUnit 7 InnovationUnit 8 Public RelationsUnit 9 Cultural AwarenessPresentation SkillsUnit 10 Global AdvertiSingUnit 11 Management StylesUnit 12 Mergers and AcquisitionsNegotiating SkillsUnit 13 Business and the EnvironmentUnit 14 Finance and CreditUnit 15 Economic IssuesResource FilesAnswer Key of Workbook


  Word Partnerships: Since New Business Matterssets out to teach the core content language you needto do business in English, word partnerships (the realinformation carriers) feature frequently in theLanguage Focus section of each unit. It is essential toget your learners into the habit of looking for chunksof language bigger than words if you are to maximisetheir learning.  Typically, the Language Focus section progressesfrom straightforward matching to phrase-searchexercises to more complex activities where, forexample, learners may have to sequence and link upwhole expressions into a text or presentation extract.The majority of word partnership exercises in thecourse start from a keyword, usually a noun (business,company, production, agreement, figures, problem, etc.), andbuild on the verbs, adjectives and secondary nouns youneed to generate two-, three- and four-wordpartnerships. It is extremely important that learnerscan identify the keywords most relevant to their ownjob, for not all the exercises in this section of the bookwill be equally useful to them.And, if you have a smallclass, you should be prepared to let them do a certainamount of picking and choosing.The new glossary atthe back of the Coursebook provides an additionalresource of key vocabulary.


  最新商务英语理念,最新商务英语领域,最新商务英语话题,最新商务英语文本,最新商务英语词汇,最新商务英语实践  上海译文出版社与美国Thomson Learning出版集团联袂推出新商务英语。



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