
出版时间:2003-12  出版社:上海译文出版社  作者:曹式耘 编  页数:232  


  “重点中学高考强力突破系列”丛书的编写,是为了更好地帮助准备参加普通高校招生考试的学生进行高效、系统的复习,以顺利通过高考,走进大学校门。  本丛书包括《重点中学高考语文强力突破》、《重点中学高考数学强力突破》、《重点中学高考英语强力突破》三册书。丛书在编写过程中严格遵循二期课程改革目标。试卷立意新颖,内容紧扣考试大纲,题型、难度与评分标准也与高考要求一致。试卷题目涵盖了现行教材的相关知识点和重要内容。  本丛书的编写者多为上海市重点中学的骨干教师,他们长期从事高中教学和高考辅导,具有丰富的实践经验。丛书力求抓住高考中的重点、要点和难点,通过学生对模拟试卷的强化练习,来全面提高他们的应考能力,以期在高考中取得最佳成绩。  本丛书各册中除了模拟试卷外,还附有近几年的全真试卷,供学生和教师参考。  虽然我们尽力编写这套丛书,但是难免有错误和不妥之处,恳请广大师生指正。






  Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by severalquestions or unfini-shed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. ChOose thethat fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read Both the Eskimos and the Plains Indians used open fires in their shelters for warmth but withvery different consequences. The Eskimo house was an airtight igloo made of blocks of ice with asmall tunnel-like entrance and a small chimney in the center for smoke from the fire. Tempera-tures inside this structure easily reached 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit although outside tempera-tures frequently dropped well below zero. Often, the igloo was so hot that the loss of body fluidthrough perspiration would force the Eskimos to drink cup after cup of ice water. The Plains Indi-ans, on the other hand, placed their fire in a tepee made with long poles and animal skins with anentrance cut directly into one wall. In contrast to the Eskimo shelter, the tepee was far from air-tight; drafts came in around the door and through gaps between the skins. At night the Indianswould crawl under their blankets, cover their heads, and shiver all night——so much that the blan-kets would shake!  ……



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