Nora Ephron去世后才知道她是When Harry Met Sally的编剧,又才后知后觉地买了她三本书来看。三本书里,只这本是小说,据说是有作者亲身经历,文中所著出身心俱出轨的丈夫不仅确有其人,还是大有来头的名人。可是为什么要是粉色封皮啊--有次在地铁里书从包里啪地一声落在地上,我都不好意思去捡,怕被人误会成怀春少女。
"Really dumb, but everytime Mark sang it, I felt secure and loved in a way I had never dreamed possible. I had always meant to write down some of the words, because they were so silly and funny and made me feel so happy; but I never did. And now I couldn't remember them. I could remember the feeling, but I couldn't really remember the words.