朋友STEVE向我推荐的这本书。说是他有一次碰到个德国朋友,在酒巴喝酒,谈MM谈德国啤酒的空当里,STEVE问他这辈子最喜欢的书是什么。他说了这个新鲜书名《巫术师》(The Magus)。后来斯帝夫找来看到一半时和我说,“这书太神了,我现在看谁都不象好人,看什么事都觉得后面有鬼。This book totally fucked my mind!”听得我大乐。也去找来看了。果然废寝忘食得看得人都傻了。
Thanks Jean for letting me borrow this book, looks like there's quite a bit of suspense and tension... I need to find some time when I'm not alone in the night to read it! :)
I like what he said in the forewords a lot, that freedom is not something within a single person, it is only given and taken... Let me elaborate when I'm done reading... 芳洲 has no need to 汗颜, did you see my "ReadingNow" list? My attention span is of a ten-year-old's! :(
yayaya! I re-read the forewords again before lending it to you. that was my favorite line! the one on freedom...how did it go? "there is no absolute freedom, freedom only exists in sth sth about give and take..." :p Can't really think, just had a huge glass of stout at lunch... heehee...